Atnerkan Renjolutm^ oQ-t
5, Then the {hips, with the armed menj and great llore of implements for war, launch- ed forth into the great deep.
G* Now the voyage was perilous and thej were in great danger, and the horfes dtiigned for I he -N^'ar were loir, snd many of the de- itroying engines j neverthelefs, the men got fafc to lando
7. In the year one thoufand feven hundred and tighty, in the fecond month, on the ele^ yenth day of the month, did i\\Q men of Bri- tain huid; and the place where they landed, was about two hundred and forty furlongs from <"harlcstown, the chief city of ihe South province, called Carolina.
8. And they pitched their tents on John'g Ifiaiid, at 8tono ferry; and riot maisy days afterwards, they gctintd polff iTion of Jaines* Ifiand, and a certain j'hce called in the ian«» giicigi^of that couniry, Wappoo Cut,
9. Then they pitched their tents on the