298 American Revolution.
ty that Horatio was coming to ofFer hhn battle, he hafiened to meet him, and about one thou- fand and feven hundred footmen, and three hundred horfemen followed after him.
9. And they came to Camden^ nigh where Horatio was encamped, in the eighth month, on ihe fifteenth day of the month; and whea the fan was fet, the army of Bricain went forth to fall upon the people of the Provin- ces, in their camp at Clermont,
10. On the fame night did Horatio go forth, and the hofh of the people followed after him; and it came to pafs, that they were met by thefervantsof the king of Britain, imd Jrmand^ a chief captain of the army, and who led the horfemen, was alfaulted by the horfemen of Britain, and the men v/ho Vv^ere with Arniand were difcomfited and fled.
1 1 . Then were the men of war confufed, £nd wift not what they fliould do : howbeit,
- Col. Arm and.