Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/331

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American Revolution.


the men of Britaia were purfuiijg after the people, he left the place where he v/as encamp- ed, and put the men or war under the guid- ance of a captain whofe fur-name was Huger; but himfelf fet out to join the army under the captain, Morgan.

15. And it was fo, that the army of Bri- tain haded to purfue after the people of the

^ ■ Provinces, and fo hot was the purfuit, that tiie men of Britain came to the borders of the river Catawba, on the evening of the fame day that the people of the Provinces had croff- ed over.

16. Now it came to pafs, that when it was night, there was a fiorm, and the rains de-i fcended in great abundance, and the river was iacreafed to a mighty flream; and the men, even the army of the people of the Pro- vinces rejoiced, and confidered the falling rain as the interpofition of the Supreme Be- ing,

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