American Revolution^ 34 r
for the people who were with Fayette to get at the (lores.
13. Howbeit, Fayette, when it was night, led his men by an unfrequented way, and gained the (lores that were at Albemarle; and when Cornwallis heard thereof, he was adon-. i(hed and fore troubled.
14. Then the men of Britain feeing their intentions were difcovered, journeyed back again to Richmond.
1 5. And the army of the people of the Pro.
vinces, who were with Fayette^ was again (Irengthened, by \^^z warriors of the Baron Steuben : and Fayeiie drew forth the men of war, and magnified the number of the people who v/ere with him.
16. And Cornwallis being told that the army of the people of the Provinces was (Irong, even a very great multitude, he fled to Wil- liamilburgh; where the rear of the hofl was aifaulted by fome of the warriors of Colum-