Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/362

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25 5 American P,evoluiton*

4. Now it came to pafs, in the fourth month, in the next year after that Cornwallis was taken captive; that there was a great battle on the waters of the mighty ocean, be- tween the fhips of the king of Britain; and the fPiips of the king of Gaul : on the twelfth day of the month was the battle fought.

5. LvA the navy of Britain triumphed over the (liips of the king of Gaul, and there was a great flaughter; and de Grajfe the great fea-captain, was taken captive; and many of the fnips of the king of Gaul, were deilroyed by Rodney^ chief captain of the na- vy of Britain.

6. Tremendous was the noife of the de- flroying engines, the feamonllers fled at the report thereof! they hid themfelves under the rocks! at the bottom of the mountains, they were gathered together! fear and amaze- ment feized ihem, they trembled even in their ancient habitations!

7. Was man created for thefe things? Was