Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/38

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g2 » American Revolution,

three score and five persons; and their fell of the people of the provinces two score and ten men.

9. And it came to pass when it was known throughout the land of Columbia, that some of the people of the provinces were flain by the soldiers of the king of Britain;

20. That the leaders of the people cried out, saying; What part have we in George ^ or what inheritance in the house of Bruns- wick? lo! he hath cafe us off as aliens to his house, and dealeth with us as with enemies.

, I J . Then the people ftrengthened them- selves greatly, and encouraged one another to fight manfully for their country, ihcir wives and their little ones*

12. And the people accuftomed themselves to the exercises of war j and inftead of the voice of melody and the songs of gladness, the sound of the trumpet and the ihguting of the warriors were heard*