Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/70

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6 1 Ammcan RevoluHcn.


The emharraJfmenU of the Kings's Troops in Bojion — They evacuate the town^ and remove 1Q Halifax in Nova-Scoiia,

JN O W the hoft, of the king of Britain, lay encamped ia the town of Boflon, in the province of the Eafl : and the army of the people of the provinces, environed the town round about.

2. And the hod within the town were in a great (Irait; their bread was nigh fpent, and their fuel began to fail : and the (hips of the ifland of Britain had not arrived to minifter to their neceffities, and they were ready to periih, for it was winter.

3. Howbeit, 'they pulled down the houfes, in the town, that v/ere made of wood, and they kindled a fire therewith; then they gat heat: and at laft, the fhips arrived, and there was great joy in the town.

4. Now there were certain men in the hod