M2 American Revolution.
foldiers fhould be fent into the province, to the kings governor, that they might drive out from the province, the hofl of Colum- bia, and recover the ftrong holds.
7. Furthermore, the chief counfeilor was minded to fend a mighty army into the pro- vince, that they might be ready to unite with Wfliiam, the chief captain, to invade the whole land of Columbia.
8. Now, when the captains of the hofl: of Columbia, who were in the king's pro- vince, heard of thefe things, they confulted together, and the greater part of the men of war advifed to depart thence.
9. And it was fo, that when Guy, the go- vernor, knew of a certainty, that the army, of the people of the provinces, were about to depart, he gathered together an army,
10. And the governor, and che hofl: of the kingdom of Britain, purfued after the army of the people of the provinces, and lo! whea he came to the camp, he found no man there,