Page:The Amyntas of Tasso (1770) - Percival Stockdale.djvu/98

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No, we must grant with coyness, and reserve,
Not seemingly to gratify ourselves;
But as a stately empress would vouchsafe
Some signal favour to a trusty vassal.
Thus do we keep our gentle majesty.
Hence all the necessary tricks of love;
We fly, and wish our swain may overtake us:
When we refuse, we wish the thing requested,
By art, or force, may be extorted from us;
And when we struggle with a mock resistance,
We wish that our resistance may be baffled.
Thyrsis, to you I show, without reserve,
The whole œconomy of female love.
But have a care; repeat not what I've told you;
And above all let not your wanton satire
Lash, in keen verse, the government of women:
You know I can in verse return the charge;
Man for my fatire is an ample field,
And I am too a favourite of the Muses.

How canst thou think that I would let a word
