Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/182

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134 THE ANCESTOR with cameos and other precious stones ; white gloves jewelled with a sapphire and an amethyst ; and the sword which was made for the king's coronation with a scabbard of orfrey work. The text is sufficiently interesting to quote in full : Rex, etc. omnibus, etc. Sciatis quod die Lune proxima ante Natale Domini anno regni nostri sexto apud Rading. per manum fratris Alani preceptoris Novi Templi London et fratris Rogeri elemosinarii recepimus coronam nostram auream factam apud London. Mantellum de samitto vermeilleo frettatum cum saphiris et kathmathis et perulis cum uno firmaculo ante insuto. Dalmaticam de eodem samitto urlatam de orfreis et cum lapidibus. Tunicam de diaspro albo. Unum pannum serricum quadratum ad sedem regiam. Sandalia et sotulares de predict© samitto. Bondatos de orfreis. Baldredum de eodem samitto cum kathmathis et aliis lapidibus. et cyrotecas albas cum uno saphiro et una amatista, et gladium qui factus fuit ad coronationem nostram cum scabberga de orfreis, etc. etc. [The remaining itemSy consisting of jewelled belts, brooches and staves, did not form part of the regalia.'] Et imo volumus quod Magister Templi et fratres Templi de omnibus suprascriptis quieti sint. et in hujus rei testimonium, etc. Teste G. filio Petri Comite Essexiae apud Rading. xviij die Decembris.^ Three years later another receipt for the regalia is entered on the patent roll, dated at Clarendon on 9th December, 1207. It is both interesting and curious as furnishing us with the descrip- tion of a totally different set of ornaments, headed by a great crown which came from Germany. The mantle, which appears under its future name of pallium regale^ was of purple, with a gold clasp and brooch ; and the tunic and sandals were of the same colour. The dalmatic was of a deeper hue, black-purple. The belt is described as of orfrey work with stones, and the buskins and frett^e were of the like stuff. The gloves are only mentioned by name, and the silk cloth borne over the king at his coronation is included instead of the cloth for his seat. Two swords are specified : one called Tristram's, the other belonging to the regalia ; and besides the crown, the king received his great sceptre, the golden rod with the dove, and the golden spurs. The gold cup and cross mentioned did not belong to the regalia. For comparison with the previous list the full text is appended : Rex omnibus, etc. Sciatis quod recepimus Sabbato proximo post festum Sancti Nicolai apud Clarendon, anno regni nostri nono per manus Hugonis de Ropell. et Radulfi de Riparia et Johannis Ruffi hominum Roberti de Ropell. magnam coronam que venit de Alemannia et j. tunicam de pur- pura et sandalia de eodem panno et balteum de orfrasio cum lapidibus. unum par sotularium et frettas de orfrasio. et j. par cirothecarum. et dalmaticum ^ Patent Roll 6 John, m. 6 in dorso (ed. Hardy, 1835, i- P^- i- 54)-