Page:The Ancestor Number 1.djvu/359

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CONSTABLE'S Time Table of Modern History A.D. 400-1870 Compiled and arranged by M. MORISON. i6o pp., about 1 5 in. X 1 2 in. 1 2s, 6d. net. CONTENTS :— Parallel Vertical Tables — Genealogical Tables — Ruling Monarchs — General Chart of Ancient and Modern History — Index — Maps — Europe showing the Barbarian Invasions : Europe, a.d. 45 1 ; Europe, A.D. 476; Europe, a.d. 500; Europe, a.d. 768-814; Europe, A.D. 962 ; Europe showing the spread of Christianity, circa 1000 ; Europe, a.d. 1360; Europe, a.d. 1648; Europe, a.d. 1740 ; Central and Eastern Europe, 18 14— 1863. The work is an epitome of Modern History, 400-1870, and constitutes a book of reference invaluable to historical students. Facts and dates in the history, not of Europe alone, but also of Asia and America, are dealt with. The tables consist of parallel vertical columns, each column containing a history of one of the important nations of the world during the period covered. The work also contains a series of the more important European Genealogical Tables, complete list of ruling Monarchs and Popes, a chart showing a bird's-eye view of ancient and modern history, and a full index. Added to these are a series of Maps showing the barbarian migrations over Europe, the spread of Christianity and the various important territorial changes which have taken place in Europe since the year 400 a.d. THE SCHOOLMASTER : * This is a most valuable book of reference for teachers and students of history. . . . We can heartily recommend it as a work of real usefulness.' THE ACADEMT : 'A most valuable book, and almost deserves the adjective "monumen- tal." It is a compendium of historical dates viewed from almost every possible aspect. No student should think his shelves complete without this uniquely valuable book.' THE DAILY NEWS : *To the professional historian this volume will prove a convenient ready reckoner " ; to the amateur it will come as a boon and a blessing.' WESTMINSTER GAZETTE : *The information is given in the clearest type, with ample margins, and as a book of reference it is one of the easiest to consult with the assurance of satisfactory results * THE GUARDIAN * Remarkably accurate. . . . We can conscientiously recommend the book as a companion to the histories of Europe.' ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO Ltd 2 WHITEHALL GARDENS WESTMINSTER