Page:The Ancient Stone Implements (1897).djvu/755

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Solvent power of carbonic acid, 675

Somme, implements in the drift of the valley of the, 490

Sophocles, his mention of the bronze sickle of Medea, 5

Sotacus, concerning Cerauniæ, 64, 480; his date, 65

South Sea Islanders, adze-like implement of, 138

Spanish trillas, 284

Spalls of flint, 564

Spalding, Mr. F., 179

Spear-heads of flint, 348, &c.; with notches at side 351

Spear-shafts, concave scrapers for shaping, 320

Specks, shining, on flints from the gravel, 565, 659

Spiennes, cores from, 27; flint manufactory at, 34; stag's horn hammers at, 35

Spindles, upright, of corn-mills, 242

Spindle-whorls, 436, &c.; absent in palæolithic times, 657; cidares used as, 469; in Kent's Cavern, 492; varieties of, 438

Spinning and weaving, early practice of, 436; method of, 437

Spinning-wheel, possible classical use of, 436

Spiral ornament on bone bead, 211; on glass bead, magic virtue of, 437

Splinters and flakes of flint, distinction between, 275

Springs in the chalk, 664, 675

Spurrell, Mr. Flaxman C. J., flint flakes replaced on cores by, 20, 606; on final flaking of Danish daggers, 42; implements found by, 572, 605, 606; on ripple-marked Egyptian blades, 359; on stone implement making at Kahun, 45; on flakes mounted for sickles, 297

Staff-sling, its use in Roman times, 418

Stag's horn, axe or hoe of, 434; bone-tipped implement of, 416; for hafting celts, 128; for hafting flakes, 292; hammers of, 35, 41, 186, 434; implements for arrow-flaking, 41, 393; in interments, 148, 398; in mines, 233, 234; picks of, 33, 34; punch of, for obsidian working, 25; sockets of, 158, 161; in Swiss Lake-dwelling, 321

Stalactite, formation of, 479; piece of in barrow, 466

Stalagmite, deposition of, 479; of Kent's Cavern, 511

Stan-æx and stan-bill, 145

Stanley, the late Hon. W. O., researches in Holyhead, 230, 234, 244, 252, 450, 466

Steatite, cup of, 444; New Caledonian sling-stones of, 418; sawed with string and sand, 45; tubes of in Ohio valley, 50; its use for hollow vessels, 451

Steels with flints in Saxon graves, 283

Steenstrup, on marks of attrition on celts, 80, 297; as to use of Kjökken-mödding axes, 69

"Steenstrup's markings" on oval blade, 337

Stevens, Mr. Alfred H., implements found by at Bournemouth, 635; the late Mr. E. T., classification by, of palæolithic implements, 641, 644, 646-648; implements found by, 627; Dr. Joseph, drift implements found by, in Thames valley, 143, 591, 592; referred to, 277

Stick, split, slinging by means of, 417

Stone of the Arrows, 262

Stone of Heaven, 5

Stone Age, division of into Earlier and Later stages, 12, 474

Stone and Bronze Periods, overlapping of, 89, 143, 150, 211, 471, &c.

Stone weight, name suggestive of origin, 443

Stopes, Mr. H., Syrian and Egyptian implements found by, 652

Strabo, on the exportation of amber to England, 449

"Strahlhammer," 63

Streams, carrying power of, 666

"Strike-a-lighf" flints, arrow-heads used for, 400; present manufacture of, 17, 21; their resemblance to early scrapers, 314

Studs of amber, 456; of jet with rings in interments, 454-456

Strombus gigas, gouge-like instrument formed from, 182

Stukeley, his account of a stone axe, 183; on elf's arrows, 366

Submarine forest at Bournemouth, 695; at Hunstanton, celt found in tree of, 150

"Subterranean reservoir" of the chalk, 664

Suetonius on a portentous find of stone axes, 65

Superstitions concerning stone: adzes, 59; arrow-heads, 363-367; axes, 62, 63, 145, 183; celts, 56-61; hammers, 62; "lucky-stones," 469; pebbles, 467, 468; "witch-stone," 470

Surface-flaking of arrow-heads, 392, 393

Surface Period, synonymous with Neolithic, 12

Surface drainage, lessening with amelioration of climate, 676

Survival of bronze implements in religious rites, 5

Swiss Lake-dwellings, arrow-heads, bone, in, 402; animals, domesticated, 358; awls, perforated, 323; bastard gouges, 182; bitumen, use of in hafting, 170, 409; celts, socketed, 128, 136; degree of civilization in, 358; disc, perforated, 191; flakes, trimmed, 327; flakes, mounting of, 502; hafting of celts, 167; hafting of hatchets, 155, 158, 162; knife, peculiar, 348; needles of bone, 433; sling-stones, 418

Swords, bronzy, 4; leaf-shaped Egyptian, 8; Mexican obsidian, 294

Sword-like blades, Irish, of slaty stone, 363

Syenite, axe-hammer of, 211; celt of, 127; and greenstone, celts of at Kent's Cavern, 488

Symonds, Rev. W. S., on changes in Wye valley, 521


"Taawisch," Nootka Sound war axes, 157

Tacitus, on the arrows of the Fenni, 361

Tahitians, their shaped sling-stones, 419; sharpening of hatchets by, 263; stone pestle of, 257

Tasmanians, pebble superstitions among the, 468; unmounted celts used by, 171

Taunus slate, perforated hoe of, 191

Taylor, Mr. J. B., African palæolithic imple- ments brought by, 653

Teeth, attrition of, by grit from grinding-stones, 253, 254

Teneriffe, use of obsidian knives in, 8

Terraces of gravel left during erosion of valleys, 73; near London, 590, 685; in Waveney valley, 578

Tertiary implements, so called, 658

Teutonic interments, stone objects in, 468, 470

"Thesaurus Brandenburgicus," occurrence of Celtes in, 55

Thong-drill, use of, 48

"Thor's Donnerkeil," 51

Thor's hammers, 62, 145, 184

Threshing instrument resembling the tribulum, 284

"Thumb-flint," method of making, 36

"Thunder axes," 56

"Thunder-stones" in Dutch Guiana, 271; in Western Africa, 60

Thurburn, Capt. H., Greek celts brought by, 126; African celt brought by, 241

Thurnam, the late Dr., on the connection of leaf-shaped arrow-heads with long barrows, 377; on flat plates of stone, 427; on javelin--