Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/109

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Athelard's, Wulfred's, Theologild's. But the (first) year when Ceolnoth came to the archbishopric, there was such a mortality that there remained no more than five monks within Christ-Church. During all his time there was war and sorrow in this Land, so that no man could think of anything else but . . . . . Now, God be thanked, it is in the king's power and thine, whether they may be longer there within, because they (might) never better be brought thereout than now may be done, if it is the king's will and thine. The archbishop then, without any staying, with all (these) men, went anon to the king and showed him all, so as we here before have related. Then was the king very glad (at these) tidings and said to the archbishop and to the others, 'It seemeth advisable to me that thou shouldst go first of all to Rome after thy (pall, and that) thou show to the pope all this, and, after that, act by his counsel:' And they all answered, that that was the best counsel. When (the priests) heard this, then resolved they that they should take two from among themselves and send to the pope; and they should offer him great gifts and silver, on condition that he should give them the arch(-pall). But when they came to Rome, then would not the pope do that, because they brought him no letter either from the king or from the people, and commanded them to go, lo! where they would. (So soon as) the priests had gone thence, came archbishop Alfric to Rome, and the pope received him with much worship, and commanded him on the morrow to perform mass at St. Peter's altar, and the pope himself put on him his own pall, and greatly honoured him. When this was done, the archbishop began telling the pope all about the clerks, how it had happened, and how they were within the minster at his archbishopric. And the pope related to him again how the priests had come to him, and offered great gifts, in order that he should give them the pall. And the pope said, 'Go now to England again with God's blessing, and St. Peter's and mine; and as thou comest home, place in thy minster men of that order which St. Gregorius commanded Augustine therein to place, by God's command, and St. Peter's and mine.' Then the archbishop with this returned to England. As soon as he came home, he entered his archiepiscopal seat, and after that went to the (king) and the king and all his people thanked