Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/61

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A.D. 803–819.

A. 803. This year died Higbald bishop of Lindisfarne on the 8th before the Kalends of July, and Egbert II. was consecrated in his stead on the 3d before the Ides of June; and this year archbishop Athelard died in Kent, and Wulfred was ordained archbishop; and abbat Forthred died.

A. 804. This year archbishop Wulfred received his pall.

A. 805. This year king Cuthred died among the Kentishmen, and Colburga abbess,[1] and Herbert the ealdorman.

A. 806. This year the moon was eclipsed on the Kalends of September: and Eardulf king of the North-humbrians was driven from his kingdom; and Eanbert bishop of Hexham died. Also in the same year, on the 2d before the Nones of June, a cross appeared in the moon on a Wednesday at dawn; and afterwards in this year, on the third before the Kalends of September, a wonderful circle was seen about the sun.

A. 807. 808.

A. 809. This year the sun was eclipsed at the beginning of the fifth hour of the day on the 17th before the Kalends of August, the 2d day of the week, the 29th of the moon.

A. 810. 811.

A. 812. This year king Charlemagne died, and he reigned five and forty years; and archbishop Wulfred and Wigbert bishop of the West-Saxons[2] both went to Rome.

A. 813. This year archbishop Wulfred, with the blessing of pope Leo, returned to his own bishopric; and the same year king Egbert laid waste West-Wales from eastward to westward.

A. 814. This year the noble and holy pope[3] Leo died, and after him Stephen succeeded to the popedom.

A. 815.

A. 816. This year pope Stephen died, and after him Paschal was ordained pope; and the same year the English school at Rome[4] was burned.

A. 817. 818.

A. 819. This year Kenulf king of the Mercians died,

  1. Of Berkeley.
  2. Sherborne.
  3. Leo III. died 11th June 816. Eginhard, Ann. Stephen IV. was consecrated on the 22d of the same month.
  4. The Angle-School was a quarter near St. Peter's, where the English pilgrims at Rome resided. According to Anastasius, they called it their Borough,’ (burgus). V. Anastas. Bibliothecar. de Vita Stephani IV.