Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle according to the Several Original Authorities Vol 1 (Original Texts).djvu/36

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fifty years. The date (876) of Rolf's landing in France is correctly given, at least it accords both with Ordericus Vitalis and Florence of Worcester. The year of his death is variously given; for, according to another interpolated entry, in the same manuscript, the accession of his son, William I., took place in the year 928, and this date accords with that assigned by the Chron. Alberici for the death of Rolf. In fact, all the entries in this manuscript respecting Normandy, previous to the Conquest, as well as some others, may safely be placed to the account of the monastic scribe, and not belonging to the genuine Chronicle.

A remarkable case of what would be pronounced an interpolation, did it not appear in no less than five of the six manuscripts, occurs under the year 755, under which date, an event, the murder of Cynewulf, is recorded, which did not occur until 784, when it is again, and rightly, mentioned. This instance would, if needful, tend to show, that as early as the time of Ælfred there was one model whence the other copies were taken, with the exception of MS. Domitian, A. viii., which can hardly be dated earlier than the middle of the twelfth century, and may be pronounced a careless composition, by more hands than one, from beginning to end.

From the beginning of the Chronicle to the death of Beda (A.D. 734), we are enabled to form a judgment as to the sources whence much of its matter is derived; but from that date until the time of Ælfred (or about a hundred and fifty years), we know not from what materials the narrative was compiled. Tradition, which in those days must have been in much greater request than it is now, no doubt contributed its share; some marginal notes also in the volumes of monastic libraries, may have afforded information, as, it appears, was the case on the Continent; although I am not aware tha any such are extant in this country.