Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle according to the Several Original Authorities Vol 1 (Original Texts).djvu/416

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Bodl. Laud. 636.

Millesimo. c.xiii. Her on pison geare waes se cyng Henri to Natiuiteð • ⁊ to Eastron • ⁊ to Pentecosten • on Normandig. ⁊ þæræefter to sumeran he sænde hider to lande Rotbert de Bælesme into þam castele to Wærham • ⁊ himsylf sona þaeræfter hider to lande com.

Millesimo. c.xiiii. On þison geare heold se cyng Henri his hyred to Natiuiteð on Windlesoran • ⁊ þaes geares syððan he ne heold hired nan oftar. And to middan-sumeran he ferde mid fyrde into Wealon • ⁊ þa Wyliscean coman ⁊ wið þone cyng griðedon • ⁊ he let þaerinne castelas weorcean • ⁊ þæræfter • innan September • he for ofer sæ into Normaudig. Ðises geares • on æfterward Mai • wæs gesewen an secuð steorra mid langan leoman mauege niht scinede. Eac on þis ylcan geare wæs swa mycel ebba æghwær anes dæges • swa nan man æror ne gemunde • ⁊ swa þ man ferde ridende ⁊ gangede ofer Tæmese be eastan þære brigge on Lunden. Þises geares wæron swiðe mycele windas on October monðe • ae he wæs ormæte mycel on þa niht Octað. Sči Martini • ⁊ þ gehwær on wudan ⁊ on tunnan gecydde. Eac on þisum geare se cyng geaf þet arebiscoprice on Cantwarabyrig Raulfe • se wæs æor biscop on Hrofeceastre. And se arceb. On Eoferwic Thomas forðfere • ⁊ feng Turstein þærto • se wæs æror þæs cynges capelein. 1 On þæs ylcan tyme feorde se cyng toweard þone sǣ • ⁊ ofer wolde • ac wæder him lætte. Þa hwile þa sende he his writ æfter þone abbot Ernulf of Burh • ⁊ bebead him þ he efeostlice sceolde to him cuman • forþi þ he wolde sprecon mid him dærne sprece. Þa he to him com • þa neodde he him to þam broscoprice of Hrofeceastre • ⁊ þa arebiscopes ⁊ biscopes ⁊ þ dugeð þ wæs on Englalande forð mid se cyn • ⁊ he lang wiðstod ne hit ne forheol naht • ⁊ se cyng þa beaded þone arceb. þ he sceolde him læden to Cantwarbyrig • ⁊ blæson him to b • wolde he nolde he. Þis wæs don on þære tuna þa man cleopad Burne • þ wæs þes dæges xæii. Kt. Octoær. Ða þe munecas of Burch hit herdon sægen. þa wæron hi swa sari swa hi næfre ær ne wæron • forði þ he wæs swiðe god ⁊ softe man • ⁊ dyde mycel to gode wiðinnan ⁊ wiðutan • þa hwile þe he þær wunode. God ælmihtig wunie æfre mid him. Ða sone þæræfter þa geaf se cyng þone abbotrice an munec of Sæis. Iohan wbs gehaten. þurh þæs arceb. gearnunge of Cantwarbyrig. ⁊ sona þæræfter sude se cyng him ⁊ se arceb. of Cantwarbyrig to Rome æfter þæs arceb. pallium • ⁊ an munec mid him • Warner wæs gehaten • ⁊ þone ærcediæcne Iohan • þæs arceb. neafe. ⁊ hi þær well spæddon. Ðis wæs don þes dæges XI Kt. Octobr. on þone tuna þe man cleopað Rugenore • ⁊ þes ylces dæges eode se cyng on scipa on Portemuðe.

Millesimo. c.xv. her wæs se cyng Henri to natiuiteð on Normandig Millesimo. c.xiiii. onmang þam þe he þær was {{smallcaps|Millesimo. c.xiiii.}he dyde þ ealle þa heafod mæn on Normandig dydon manræden ⁊ holdaðas his sunu Willelme {{smallcaps|Millesimo. c.xiiii.}þe he be his cwæne hæfde Millesimo. c.xiiii. æfter þan

1 From here to the end of the year the language becomes extremely ungrammatical and corrupt, quite unlike the foregoing, but resembling that of the spurious and doubtful charters at pp. 52, 58, 92, 122, 220. The matter is moreover connected with the abbey of Peterborough, and is probably the work of a friend of Ernulfus, to whom we owe the Textus Roffensis.