Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/220

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Chupam, prep. Within, in.

Chuvi, prep. Upon, over, on; chuvi huyu, on or upon the mountain.

Echa, n. Edible fruits and vegetables. A generic word.

Elah, v. To humble, to submit to.

Elebal, n. The place whence something comes forth; as relebal çib, the exit of the smoke, i.e., the chimney (Varea); hence, relebal ꜫih, the sunrise.

Eleꜫah, v. To steal, to rob.

Eleꜫom, n. A thief, a robber.

Et, n. A mark, sign. v. To mark, designate.

Etamah, v. To know, to understand; from et, a mark or sign.

Ha, pron. He, it, that one; it is so; ha ri, it is thus; ha ok, at that time, then, when.

Hab, n. Rain.

Hach, v. To divide, to separate.

Hak, v. To open (a door, the mouth, etc).

Hal, v. To change, to alter. See p. 46.

Halal, adv. A little, briefly.

Halebal, n. That by which one changes or transforms himself, a magic power; an instrumental form from hal, to change one's garments, etc. See p. 46.

Halizin, n. A change, an alteration; a change of raiment; the hair of the head (Br).

Hay, n. House, home. See p. 33.

He, pron. Those, their.

Hetah, adv. See Tak.

Heꜭ, v. To drive or force away.

Hilil, v. To thunder, to rumble.

Hique, v. For ꜭhique, q. v.

Hit, v. To promise, make vows; to offer.

Hiꜫuh, v. To ardently desire, to covet.

Hiꜯ, v. To hang.


v. To concede, grant.


Holom, n. The head, a chief.

Homet, n. Bark of trees.

Hote, v. To rise, to go up, to mount.

Hox, n. Branch of a tree.