Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/312

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304] FOKEIGN HISTOKY. [1899.

would be tantamount to voluntary acquiescence in industrial stagnation.

There are also other and more particular reasons, the Min- ister continued, which give this question a still further claim to attention. At the present moment nearly all the markets of Europe are closed by means of Customs tariffs against Bussian agricultural products. The duties in Germany on those products are almost equal to their cost ; in France they even exceed it. In such conditions it is almost impossible to count upon a more or less enduring rise in prices. But there is one country which still clings to the principles of free trade, though, of course, entirely from motives of self-interest. That country is England, which has long held the foremost place among European countries as the largest purchaser of agri- cultural produce. In 1897 the total gross value of agricultural produce imported into England was estimated at 2,000,000,000 roubles (212,766,000*.), or 50 roubles 23 copecks per head of the population. It is very plain, therefore, how important it would be for Bussia to have a permanent and reliable market here for her products. Meanwhile the statistics for 1897 show that the share of Bussia in this business is, as yet, comparatively small. For example, the value of horned cattle imported into England was, in round figures, 98,000,000 roubles (10,430,000/.), the value of the supply from each country having been as follows: —

Roubles. £

United States 67,970,030 = 7,280,864

Canada 19,224,970 = 2,045,209

Argentine 10,845,222 = 1,153,744

Other countries, including Russia, only - 3,550 = 877

98,040,222 = 10,480,184

The value of sheep and lambs imported was 8,640,000 roubles (919,148*.), as follows:—

Roubles. &

Argentine 4,968,910 = 528,607

United States 2,560,760 = 272,421

Canada 898,660 = 95,602

Other countries, including Russia, only - - 211,180 = 22,465

8,639,510 = 919,095

As regards the export of wheat to England, Bussia is far behind America. In 1897 America sent wheat to the value of 123,000,000 roubles (13,087,234Z.) and Eussia only for 51,000,000 roubles (5,425,531 l).

Bussia plays an insignificant part also in the importation of flour into England. The following table shows the respec- tive values of the supplies from various countries, likewise in 1897 :—

Roubles. £

United States 66,687,480 = 7,089,098

France 7,842,860 = 884,292

Canada 7,551,860 = 808,889

Austria 6,951,420 = 789,512

Germany 290,770 = 80,988

All other countries, including Russia - 962,880 = 102,484

90,286,760 = 9,599,668