Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/580

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156 OBITUAEY. [June

64, Richard Parks Bland. Educated for a lawyer; elected as a Democrat to Congress for Missouri, 1878; introduced, 1875, the Bland Bill, regulating the coinage of silver dollars by the Treasury. On the 16th, at St. Petersburg, aged 44, Duchess Zenelde Dmitrjerna, sister of the famous General Skobeleff. Married,

1878, Duke Eugene of Leuchtenberg. On the 16th, at London, aged 68, Lieutenant- Colonel Andrew Monro. Served with 7th Fusiliers through the Crimean Campaign with great distinction, and received his Commission, 1856, in the 19th Regiment, retiring 1881. On the 18th, at Limpley Stoke, Witts, aged 62, Major Frederick Spencer Schomberg, son of J. T. Schomberg, Q.C. Entered the Army, 1854; served with 57th Regiment in the Crimea, 1854-6; Indian Mutiny, 1857; and New Zealand War, 1864-6. On the 18th, at South Kensington, aged 66, Ernest Clay Ker Seymer, of Handford, Dorset, son of James Clay, M.P., a noted whist player. Educated at Harrow and in Germany ; served in the Diplomatic Service, 1855-69. Married, 1864, Gertrude, daughter of Henry Ker Seymer, M.P., and adopted her name. On the 19th, at Dublin, aged 77, George Ferdinand Shaw, LL.D. Senior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, where he entered in 1889; Scholar, 1841, and Fellow, 1848; was a leader writer on the Nation, 1862-6; editor of the Irish Times, and subsequently of Saunders 1 News latter and of the Evening Mail. On the 19th, at Croydon, aged 52, Robert Ascroft, M.P., son of William Ascroft, of Oldham. Educated at the Lancaster Grammar School; admitted a Solicitor, 1869 ; elected Member of the Town Council, 1871-4 ; sat as a Conservative for Oldham since 1895 ; took a leading part in the Money-lending Committee, 1898. Married, 1878, Wilhelmina H., daughter of G. Barlow, of Oldham. On the 20th, at Northam, aged 56, Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick William Nicolay, I.C.B., son of Colonel F. Q. Nicolay, H.E.I.C.S. Educated at Addiscombe ; entered the Army, 1861; commanded 2nd Goorkha Rifles in the Chin-Lushai Expedition, 1889-90. On the 20th, at Vienna, aged 50, Baron Oustavus Heine, son of G. Heine, founder of the Fremdenblatt, and nephew of the poet Heinrioh Heine, of whose works he was an ardent student and commentator. On the 21st, at London, aged 71, Right Eer. George William Toser, D.D., son of J. Chappell Tozer, of East Teignmouth. Educated at Ilminster School and St. John's College, Oxford ; B.A., 1851 ; Vicar of Burgh-le-Marsh, 1857-63 ; Bishop of Zanzibar and Central Africa, 1868-73 ; Bishop of Jamaica, 1879-80 ; of British Honduras, 1880-8 ; Rector of South Ferriby, Lincoln, 1888-9. On the 21st, at Farnley Hall, Otley, aged 68, Ayscough Fawkes, son of Rev. Ayscough Fawkes, Rector of Leathley, great-nephew of Walter Ramsden Beaumont Hawksworth (who assumed the name of Fawkes) and nephew of W. M. Turner's early patron. Married, 1866, his cousin, Edith Mary, daughter of Sir Anthony Cleasby, Baron of the Exchequer. On the 2l8t, at Boscombe, aged 68, Sir Edward Wingfleld Vomer, second baronet. Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford ; sat as a Conservative for Lisbura, 1863-78, and for Co. Armagh, 1878-80. Married, 1864, Selina Florence, daughter of T. Vesey Nugent, of Dublin. On the 21st, at Camberley, aged 61, Major-Oeneral Charles Btockwell, O.B., son of Colonel T. Stockwell, H.E.I.C.S. Entered the Army ; served with 72nd Highlanders in the Crimean War, 1854-5, and with much distinction in the Afghan War, 1878-80 ; and in the Egyptian Campaign, 1882-3. Married, 1862, Catherine May, daughter of J. Gardiner, of Paddington. On the 22nd, at Melbourne, Victoria, aged 86, Sir Archibald Mlchie, K.C.M.O., Q.C, son of Archibald Michie, of Maida Vale, London. Educated at Westminster School ; called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1838 ; commenced practice at Sydney, N.S.W., 1839; joint editor of the Atlas newspaper with Mr. Robert Lowe; migrated to Victoria, 1853; nominated Member of Legislative Council, 1854; elected Member for Melbourne, 1856, and for St. Kilda, 1861 ; Attorney-General, 1857-8, 1859-61 and 1868-5 ; Agent-General for Victoria, 1873-8. Married, 1849, Mary, daughter of Dr. John Richardson, Inspector-General. On the 22nd, at Steeple Aston, Oxon, aged 70, Vice-Admlral Richard Bradshaw, O.B., son of J. H. Bradshaw. Entered the Navy, 1842; served with the Naval Brigade in the Abyssinian Campaign, 1867-8, and in the Ashanti War, 1874, and distinguished himself by his prompt offer of men to the Cape after the Isandula disaster,

1879. Married, 1862, Emma Loveday, daughter of J. Walker, of Southgate. On the 28rd, at Devonshire Terrace, Hyde Park, aged 66, Lieutenant-Oeneral David M'Farlan, O.B., B.A., son of D. M'Farlan, I.C.S. Educated at Addiscombe; entered the Bengal Artillery, 1852 ; served through the Indian Mutiny with much distinction, being wounded severely at Lucknow, 1857 ; against the Mohmunds, 1864; and in the Afghan War, 1878-9; Ordnance Consulting Officer for India, 1879-85 ; commanding First Class District, Bengal, 1885-9. Married, 1859, Jemima Jane, daughter of J. Macnair, of Auchenick, Stirlingshire. On the 28rd, at Castle Archdale, Co. Fermanagh, aged 85, William Humphreys Mervyn-Archdale,