Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/683

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Poetry and the Drama,

Armstrong (G. F. Savage).

Poems : Lyrical and Dramatic. Fcp. 8vo., 65.

King Sa ul. (The Tragedy of I srael, Part I.) Fcp. 8vo., 55.

King Da vid. (The Tragedy of I srael, Part II.) Fcp. 8vo., 6s.

King Solomon. (The Tragedy of Israel, Part III.) Fcp. 8vo., 6s.

Ugone : a Tragedy. Fcp. 8vo., 6s.

A Garland from Greece : Poems. Fcp. 8vo., 7s. 6d.

Stories of Wicklow; Poems. Fcp.

8vo., ys. 6d.

Mephistopheles in Broadcloth : a Satire. Fcp. 8vo., 45.

One in the Infinite: a Poem. Crown 8vo., ys. 6d.

Armstrong. — The Poetical Works of Edmund J. Armstrong. Fcp. 8vo., 55.

Arnold. — The Light of the World: or, The Great Consummation. By Sir Edwin Arnold. With 14 Illustrations after Holman Hunt. Crown 8vo., 65.

Barraud. — The Lay of the\ Knights. By the Rev. C. W. Barraud, S.J., Author of * St. Thomas of Canterbury, and other Poems '. Crown 8vo., 4s.

Bell (Mrs. Hugh).

Chamber Comedies : a Collection of Plays and Monologues for the Drawing Room. Crown 8vo., 6s

Fairy Tale Plays, and How to Act Them. With 91 Diagrams and 52 j Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 3s. 6d.

Coleridge. — Selections from. With Introduction by Andrew Lang. With 18 Illustrations by Patten Wilson. Crown 8vo., 35. 6d.


, The First Part of the Tragedy of Faust in English. By Thos. E. Webb, LL.D., sometime Fellow of Tri- nity College ; Professor of Moral Philo- sophy in the University of Dublin, etc. New and Cheaper Edition, with The Death of Faust, from the Second Part. Crown 8vo., 65.

Gore-Booth. — Po ems. By Eva

Gore-Booth. Fcp. 8vo., 55.

Ingelow (Jean).

Poetical Works. Complete in One Volume. Crown 8vo., 6s. net.

Lyrical and other Poems. Selec- ted from the Writings of Jean Ingelow. Fcp. 8vo., 2s. 6d. cloth plain, 35. cloth gilt.

Lang (Andrew).

Grass of Parnassus. 2S. 6d. net.

Fcp, Svc.,.

The Blue Poetry Book. Edited by Andrew Lang. With 100 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 6s.

Layard and Corder. — Songs in

Many Moods. By Nina F. Layard ; The Wandering Albatross, etc. By Annie Corder. In One Volume. Crown 8vo., $s*

Lecky. — Poems. By the Right Hon. W. E. H. Lecky. Fcp. 8vo., 5s.

Lytton (The Earl of), (Owen Meredith).

The Wanderer. Cr. 8vo., 105. 6d.

Lucile. Crown 8vo., 10s. 6d.

Selected Poems. Cr. 8vo., 105. 6d.

Macaulay. — La ys of Ancient Pome,, with k IVRY y and * The Armada \ By Lord Macaulay. Illustrated by G. Scharf. Fcp. 4U)., ios. 6rf.

Bijou Edition.

i8mo., 25. 6d. gilt top.

Popular Edition.

Fcp. 4to., 6d. sewed, is. cloth. Illustrated by J. R. Weguelin. Crown

8vo., 35. 6d. Annotated Edition. Fcp. 15. 6d. cloth.
