Page:The Apocryphal New Testament (1924).djvu/33

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Again I may refer readers to my Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament.

I have not even now enumerated all the writings, printed and unprinted, fragmentary or complete, which might be considered by some one to have a claim to appear in an Apocryphal New Testament. I have rather aimed at showing what manner of books those are which I have set aside, and at suggesting the reasons why they do not figure in this volume.

I am greatly indebted to Professor C. H. Turner, F.B.A., who has been so good as to read through the proofs of this book, and to call my attention to a number of doubtful points: he must not be held responsible for the errors which survive. To the Bishop of Ripon, who last year suggested to me the desirability of providing a substitute for Hone’s Apocryphal New Testament, and who has also read through many of the sheets, my cordial thanks are likewise offered; and to Professor F. C. Burkitt, D.D., F.B.A., for his valuable note on a passage of the Acts of Thomas.[1]

Eton, August 1923.

  1. See p. 378.