Page:The Apocryphal New Testament (1924).djvu/65

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  • Jesus saith: If ye fast not from the world ye shall not find the kingdom of God, and if ye keep not Sabbath for the whole week, ye shall not see the Father.
  • Jesus saith: I stood in the midst of the world, and in flesh appeared I unto them: and I found all men drunken, and none did I find thirsting among them and my soul is afflicted for the sons of men, because they are blind in their heart and see not . . .

    (bottom of the column gone)

  • col. 2. poverty
  • (Jesus saith) Wheresoever there are (two, they are not without) God: and where there is one alone I say I am with him. Lift up the stone and there shalt thou find me: cleave the wood, and I am there.
  • Jesus saith: A prophet is not acceptable in his own country, nor doth a physician do cures upon them that know him.
  • Jesus saith: A city built upon the top of an high mountain and established can neither fall. nor be hidden.
  • Jesus saith: Thou hearest with(in) thy (one) ear (but the other thou hast closed). . . .
· · · · ·

It is not practicable to give the numerous attempts at restoration which have been made. For these I refer the reader to Evelyn White’s excellent edition. But by way of a specimen I will give Evelyn White’s and Lagrange’s suggestions for Saying II, which is one of the most puzzling of them all. Lagrange’s appeared in the Revue Biblique, 1922, p. 432.

Evelyn White would restore thus:

        Judas) saith: (Who then
are they that draw us, (and when shall come
the kingdom that is in heaven? (Jesus saith:)
The fowls of the heaven (and of the beasts what
-ever is beneath the earth (or upon the earth, and)
the fishes of the sea, (these are they that
draw you: and the kingdom (of heaven)
is within you: (and whosoever) knoweth (himself)
shall find (it: and having found it)
ye shall know yourselves, (that) ye are (sons and heirs)
of the Father the (Almighty, and)
shall know yourselves (that ye are) in (God and God in you).
And ye are the (City of God).

Judas the interrogator is ‘not Iscariot’.


        (Judas) saith: (Who then
are they that draw us (unto heaven above, if
the kingdom (is) in heaven? (Jesus saith)
The fowls of the heaven, (the beasts and if