Page:The Apocryphal New Testament (1924).djvu/74

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Mary, because he saw her smiling. Mary said: I laughed not yet (or I laughed no more): for he said unto us before that: That which is weak shall be saved by means of that which is strong.

(So the Greek and Latin texts. The Syriac, which seems better, has:) I did not verily laugh, but I remembered the words of our Lord, and was glad: for ye know that he said unto us aforetime, when he taught us, that, &c.

10. Clement of Alexandria, Strom. v. 10. 63. For the prophet saith: Who shall understand a parable of the Lord save he that is wise and knowledgeable and loveth his Lord? For it is given to few to contain all things: for it is not as grudging (saith he) that. the Lord commanded in a certain Gospel: My secret (mystery) for me and for the sons of mine house.

Clementine Homilies, xix. 20. For we remember our Lord and Teacher, how he charged us saying: Ye shall keep my secrets (mysteries) for me and for the sons of mine house.

The source of the words is Isa. xxiv. 16 (Greek).

11. Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, 35. For he said: Many shall come in my name clad outwardly with sheep skins, but within they are ravening wolves. And: There shall be divisions (schisms) and heresies.

12. Acts of Philip, 34. For the Lord said unto me: If ye make not that which is below in you to be above, and the left hand things to be right, ye shall not enter into my kingdom.

Linus, Martyrdom of Peter, 17. The Lord said in a mystery: If ye make not the left hand as the right and the right as the left, and the things that are above as those that are below, and the things that are before as those that are behind, ye shall not know the kingdom of God.

13. Irenaeus against Heresies, v. 33. 3. As the elders remember, which saw John the Lord’s disciple, that they heard from him how the Lord taught concerning those times, and said: The days shall come wherein vines shall grow each having ten thousand branches, and on one branch ten thousand shoots, and on every shoot ten thousand clusters, and in every cluster ten thousand grapes, and every grape when it is pressed shall yield five and twenty measures (metrētes) of wine. And when any of the saints taketh hold of one of the clusters, another will cry out: I am a better cluster, take me, through me bless thou the Lord. Likewise also he said that a grain of wheat shall bring forth ten thousand ears, and every ear shall have ten thousand grains, and every grain shall yield five double pounds of white clean flour; and all other fruits and seeds and plants according to the agreement that followeth with them (sc. in the same proportion): and all animals using those foods which are got from the earth shall be peaceable and in concord one with