Page:The Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius.djvu/33

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Book I.
Apollonius Rhodius.

His lays Pieria's listening trees admire,
And move in measures to his melting lyre.40
Thus Orpheus charm'd, who o'er the Bistons reign'd,
By Chiron's art to Jason's interest gain'd.
Asterion next; whose sire rejoic'd to till
Piresian valleys by Phylleion's hill,
Born near Apidanus, who sportive leads45
His winding waters thro' the fertile meads;
There where, from far, Enipeus, stream divine,
And wide Apidanus their currents join.
The son of Elatus, of deathless fame,
From fair Larissa, Polyphemus came.50
Long since, when in the vigour of his might,
He join'd the hardy Lapithæ in fight
Against the Centaurs; now his strength declin'd
Thro' age, yet young and martial was his mind.
Not long at Phylace Iphiclus staid,55
Great Jason's uncle; pleas'd he join'd his aid,
And march'd to meet th' adventurous band from far,
Urg'd by affinity and love of war.
Nor long Admetus, who at Pheræ reign'd,
Near high Chalcodon's bleating fields remain'd.60
Echion, Erytus, for wiles renown'd,
Left Alope, with golden harvests crown'd;
