Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/363

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Figure 116.—Optical and electron microscopes. A. How they work.

comparative anatomy and physiology, included in 1960 eleven doctors of veterinary medicine, perhaps the largest aggregation of veterinary pathologists in the United States. This section of the Institute has for many years performed autopsies in the National Zoological Park of the Smithsonian Institution, in the course of which Institute veterinarians have performed or attended necropsies on a variety of animals ranging from an elephant to a 20-foot python.[1]

Program of Education

Closely related to the research function of the Institute is its program of education, both within and without the confines of the Institute itself (fig. 117).

  1. (1) Annual Report, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1961, p. 24. (2) Townsend, US. Air Force Medical Digest (1960).