Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/385

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Into the Second Century

In the 99th year of its life, the Institute was partially reorganized to bring into sharper focus the contribution of its various activities to the accomplishment of the threefold mission of consultation, education, and research (fig. 126). It was recognized that the three were inextricably interwoven in the pattern of the everyday work of the departments, divisions, and branches of the Institute, but it was felt nevertheless that the multifarious activities of the Institute should be under continuing examination as to their educational, consultative, and research aspects.

To this end, three members of the staff were designated as secretaries of Education, Research, and Consultation, respectively. In their capacity as Secretaries, the three staff members work under the direct control of the Director, and are charged with the responsibility of keeping the directorate and the Scientific Director of the Institute advised as to the bearing of the work of its several departments upon the three main missions. As expressed in the memorandum outlining the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary of Education, the secretaries are "to maintain constant and close coordination with all Institute activities to determine the latest trends and accomplishments in the education mission." 1[1]


The organization with which the secretaries were to maintain "constant and close coordination" was that with which the Institute entered the second century of its life (fig. 127). It consisted of the four principal departments — the Department of Pathology, the American Registry of Pathology, the Medical Illustration Service, and the Medical Museum — and the administrative services applying to all four departments. The entire operation was under the direction and control of The Director (Col. Frank M. Townsend, USAF, MC), assisted by the two Deputy Directors (Col. Toe M. Blumberg, MC, USA, and Capt. Roger

  1. 1 (l) General Orders No. 18, Hq., AFIP, 23 May 1961. (2) Memorandum Number 63, 25 October 1961.