Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/433

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Walter Rccil General Hospital, 238, 361 as possible site for Museum and Library, 147, 272-273, 275, 279, 284 War Department, 92 assassin's reward posters of, 46, 47 War Department General Orders No. 10, 1909 — '43 War Department Special Orders No. 22, 24 May 1900 — 112 War Department Technical Bulletin (TB MED) — 99, it Mar. 1944 — 246 116, 18 Nov. 1944 — 262-263 War wounds. See Moulages. Waraydekar, V. S., 383 Ward, E. J., 170 Ward, Capt. J. H., 315 Ward, Pvt. G. S., 141 Warren, S., 319, 322 Wasdi,E., 122 Washington District Office of the Corps of Engi- neers, 295 Washington, Evening Star, 66 Washington Post, 105 support of building plans by, 240 Wax modeling section. Instruction Laboratory, 179 Weatherwalks, E., 125, 126 Weed, L. H., 269 Welch, W. H., 130 West, C.L., 125 Wm.te.C.S., 131 White. Lt. Col. D. C, 383 Whitehlrst, Lt. Col. E. R., 333 Wimtmore, Maj. E. R., 150, 157 Wilder, H., 200, 201, 231 See also Campbell, H.; Foerster, H. Wilder collection, Cornell University, 156 William F. Edgar Bequest, 234 See also Edgar Bequest. Wit ,1 ims. Pvt. G. C, 141 Wilson, C. E., 310 Wilson, Col. J. M., 81 Wilson, Col. L. B., 179, 180, 184, 185, 186 WlNTERNITZ, M., 319 Wood. Maj. Gen. L.. 119. 128 Wood, Asst. Surg. Gen. R. C, 32 Woodhlll, Col. A. A., 139 Woodrui 1. A. M.. -, 338 Woodward, Lt, Col. J. J., 13, 23, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, J9, 41, 53, 54- 55, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 81.89. 154, 170, 230 World Health Organization. 369 World War I: Army Medical Museum in, 159—187, 191-193, 205, 216 medical illustration in, 170 specimens from, 160 training pathologists in, 160-162 World War II: Army Institute of Pathology in, 269-285 Army Medical Museum in, 245-268 World's Columbian Exposition, 98, 99 pamphlet catalog of Museum items for, 98, 99 Wound Ballistics Branch, Military Environmental Pathology Division, 384 Wound moulage kits, distribution of, 358 Wright, Sir A. E., 141 Wyatt-Johnson museum classification, 207 Abbott's modification of, 207 Wyman, Surg. Gen. W. W., 1 1 1 X-ray apparatus at the Museum, 100-101 X-ray Branch, Veterinary Pathology Division, 385 X-rays, discovery of, 101 Yandell, D. W., 76 Yellow fever, 5, 106, 107, 252, 253 vaccination against, as cause of 1942 serum hepatitis epidemic, 252 Yellow Fever Board, 113, 115, 116, 118, 120, 149 Yellow Fever Commission, 129, 130 Yellow fever epidimic(s), 1 07-1 09 in Charleston, 108 in Havana, 1 12 in Memphis, 107, 108, 109 in Mississippi Valley, 107, 108 in Nantucket Island, 107 in New Orleans, 107, 108 in New York, 107, 108 in Norfolk, 107 in Philadelphia, 107, 108 Yellow fever in — Cuba, 115, 135 Havana, 129 Mississippi, 1 17 Pinar del Rio, 1 1 8 Qucmados de Marianao, n 6 Santiago de las Vegas, 130 Spanish-American War, 106 Yellow fever studies — at Camp Lazear, 122—125 in Havana, 115 in West Indies, 109 on transmission, 109— 112 "Yellow jack." See Yellow fever. Zimmerman, L. E., 382, 393 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING 0FFICE:I9S4