Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/105

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\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "83" "         " "From Every Stormy Wind that Blows" } subsubtitle = "(RETREAT. L.M.)" composer = "Thomas Hastings, 1842" poet = "Hugh Stowell, 1828" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"oboe"} { \key c \major \time 6/4 \partial 4 \relative c' {
  <e c>8 <f d> |
  <g e>2 q4 q ( <f d> ) <e c> |
  <a c,>2 <a f>4 <g e>2 <b d,>8 <c e,> |
  <d f,>2 q4 q ( <c e,> ) <b d,> |
  <c e,>2 <e g,>4 <d g,>2 \bar"||" \break
  <d g,>4 |
  <e g,>2 <d f,>4 <c e,>2 <a f>4 |
  <g e>2 <e c>4 <b d>2 <e c>8 <f d> |
  <g e>2 q4 q ( <f d> ) <e c> |
  <a c,>2. <b f> |
  <c e,>~ <c e,>2 \bar "|."
  \cadenzaOn <c f,>1. \bar"|" <c e,> \bar ".." 
  } }
%\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
%\set stanza = #"1."
%\markup\smallCaps {A}2 -- \markup\smallCaps {men.} 
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"oboe"} { \clef bass \key c \major \relative c' {
  <c c,>4 |
  q2 q4 <g c,>2 <c c,>4 |
  <c f,>2 q4 <c c,>2 << { g4 } \\ { g4 } >> |
  << { g2 g4 g2 g4 } \\ { g2 g4 g2 g4 } >> |
  <g c,>2 <c c,>4 <b g>2 %end of 1st line
  <b g>4 |
  <c c,>2 <b g>4 <c a>2 <c f,>4 |
  <c c,>2 << { g4 g2 } \\ { e8 f g2 } >> <c c,>4 |
  q2 q4 <g c,>2 <c c,>4 |
  <c f,>2. << { g } \\ { g } >> |
  <g c,>2.~ <g c,>2 %end of tune
  \cadenzaOn <a f>1. <g c,>
  } } 
  >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 110 } }
  1. From every stormy wind that blows,
    From every swelling tide of woes,
    There is a calm, a sure retreat;
    'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat.
  2. There is a place where Jesus sheds
    The oil of gladness on our heads,
    A place than all beside more sweet;
    It is the blood-bought mercy-seat.
  3. There is a spot where spirits blend,
    Where friend holds fellowship with friend ;
    Tho' sundered far, by faith they meet
    Around one common mercy-seat.
  4. There, there, on eagle's wing we soar,
    And time and sense seem all no more,
    And heaven comes down,our souls to greet,
    And glory crowns the mercy-seat. Amen.

\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "84" "         " "Lord, We Come Before Thee Now" } subsubtitle = "(ST. BEES. 7,7,7,7)" composer = "John Bacchus Dykes, 1874" poet = "William Hammond, 1745" }
\score { << << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"clarinet"} { \key as \major \time 4/4 \relative as' {
  <as es>4 q <as des,>4. <g des>8 |
  <f des>4 <g des> <as c,>2 |
  <bes es,>4 q <c es,>4. << { es,8 } \\ { es8 } >> |
  << { f4 } \\ { es4 } >> <bes' des,>4 <g bes,>2 | \bar"||" \break
  <bes es,>4 <des es,> <c es,>4. <as es>8 |
  <g des>4 <bes des,> <as c,>2 |
  <as f>4 <bes f> <as es>4. <as c,>8 |
  <as es>4 <g es> <as es>2 \bar "|."
  <as des,> <as c,> \bar ".." 
  } }
%\new Lyrics \lyricmode {
%\set stanza = #"1."
%\markup\smallCaps {A}2 -- \markup\smallCaps {men.} 
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"clarinet"} { \clef bass \key as \major \relative as {
  <c as>4 q <bes es,>4. q8 |
  <as es>4 <bes es,> <c as>2 |
  <bes g>4 <des g,> <c as>4. <as c,>8 |
  <as des,>4 <f des> <bes es,>2 | %end of 1st line
  <bes g>4 q <c as>4. q8 |
  <bes es,>4 <g es> <as f>2 |
  <des des,>4 q << { c4^( bes8) } \\ { es,4. } >> <as es>8 |
  <bes es,>4 q <c as,>2 | %end of tune
  <f, des> <es as,>
  } } 
  >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 80 } }

  1. Lord, we come before thee now,
    At thy feet we humbly bow;
    O do not our suit disdain,
    Shall we seek thee, Lord in vain?
  2. Lord, on thee our souls depend;
    In compassion, now descend,
    Fill our hearts with thy rich grace,
    Tune our lips to sing thy praise.
  3. Send some message from thy word,
    That may joy and peace afford;
    Let thy Spirit now impart
    Full salvation to each heart.
  4. Comfort those who weep and mourn,
    Let the time of joy return;
    Those that are cast down lift up,
    Strong in faith, in love, and hope. Amen.