Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/247

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238 O God of Love, O King of Peace
Henry W. Baker,, 1868 Henry W. Baker,, 1868
  1. O God of love, O King of peace,
    Make wars through out the world to cease;
    The wrath of sin - ful man re - strain,
    Give peace, O God, give peace a - gain!
  2. Re - mem - ber, Lord, thy works of old,
    The won - ders that our fa - thers told;
    Re - mem - ber not our sin's dark stain,
    Give peace, God, give peace a - gain!
  3. Whom shall we trust but thee, O Lord?
    Where rest but on thy faith - ful word?
    None ev - er called on thee in vain,
    Give peace, O God, give peace a - gain!
  4. Where saints and an-gels dwell a-bove,
    All hearts are knit in ho - ly love;
    bind us in that heaven - ly chain !
    Give peace, O God, give peace a - gain!
    A - men.