Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/399

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6 Wherever War, With Its Red Woes
(Red Cross Spirit)
John Finley C. Harold Lowden, 1880-
1 Wherever war with its red woes,
Or flood or fire or famine goes, There, too go I;
If earth in any quarter quakes
Or pestilence its ravages makes, Thither. I fly.
2 I go wherever men may dare, I go wherever
woman's care
And Love can live, Wherever strength and
skill can bring Surcease to human suffering,
Or solace give.
3 I am your pennies and your pounds;
I am your bodieson their rounds Of pain afar;
I am you,doing what you would
If you ere only where you could— Your avatar.
4 The cross which on my arm I wear,
The flag which o'er my breast I bear,
Is but the sign Of what you'd sacrifice for him
Who suffers on the hellish rim Of war's red line.