Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/41

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ſo ſome women will not bee wonne with ſeuen yeares louing, and ſome againe will offend with an houres libertie.

Therefore if thou ſtudy a thouſand yeares, thou ſhalt finde a woman nothing elſe but a contrary vnto man: nay, if thou continue with her an hundred yeares, thou ſhalt finde in her new fancies, and contrary ſorts of behauiour; therefore if all the world were paper, and all the ſea inke, and all the trees and plants were pens, and euery man in the world were a writer, yet were they not able with all their labour and cunning, to ſet downe all the crafty deceits of women.

Now mee thinkes I heare ſome of you ſay, that young wits are ſoone corrupted, and that womens bright beauty breedeth various thoughts in men, alſo golden gifts eaſily ouercommeth wanton womens deſires: and thereby maketh them become Venus darlings, quite changing cuſtomes of modeſtie into paſſions of vanitie, wherein once delighted, they continue in the ſame without repentance or ſorrow. But out alas you laſciuious Dames, theſe lewd conditions of yours will ſpeedily bring all your ioyes to ſorrow.


The third Chapter ſheweth a remedy againſt Loue, alſo many reaſons not to bee haſtie in choyce of a Wife. But if no remedy be but thou wilt marry, then how to chooſe a Wife, with a commendation of the good, vertuous and honeſt Woman.