Page:The Art of Cross-Examination.djvu/229

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Witness. "Seventeen, I guess."

Counsel. "You were arrested on the ground that you were trying to drug this sixteen-year-old girl and kidnap her to New York. Do you deny it?"

Witness (doggedly). "I was arrested."

Counsel (sharply). "You know the cause of the arrest to be as I have stated? Answer yes or no!"

Witness (hesitating). "Yes, sir."

Counsel. "You were permitted by the prosecuting attorney, F. A. Bartlett, to be discharged without trial on your promise to leave the state, were you not?"

Witness. "I don't remember anything of that."

Counsel. "Do you deny it?"

Witness. "I do."

Counsel. "Did you have another young man with you upon that occasion?"

Witness. "I did. A college chum."

Counsel. "Was he also married to this sixteen-year-old girl?"

Witness (no answer).

Counsel (pointedly at witness). "Was he married to this girl also?"

Witness. "Why, no."

Counsel. "You say you were married to her. Give me the date of your marriage."

Witness (hesitating). "I don't remember the date."

Counsel. "How many years ago was it?"