Page:The Art of Distillation, 1651.djvu/19

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To the Reader.

finde that collected in one thing, which is diſperſed in all things? What is that which makes gold incorruptible? What induced the Philoſophers to examine gold for the matter of their medicine? Was not all gold once living? Is there none of this living gold, the matter of Philoſophers, to be had? Did Sandivogius the laſt of knowne Philoſophers ſpend it all? Surely there is matter enough for Philoſophers, and alſo ſome Philoſophers at this day for the matter, although they are unknowne to us. There are, ſaith Sandivogius, without doubt many men of a good conſcience both of high and low degree (I ſpeak knowingly) that have this medicine and keep it ſecretly. If ſo; let no man be diſcouraged in the proſecution of it, eſpecially if he take along with him the five Keyes which Nollius ſets down, which indeed all Philoſophers with one conſent enjoyne the uſe and obſervation of.
1. Seeing it is a thing divine, and celeſtial, it muſt be ſought for from above, and that not without a ful reſolution for a pious, and charitable improvement of it.
2. Before thou betakeſt thy ſelfe to the

¶ 2 worke