Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/11

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BY THE SAME AUTHOR. (Obtainable throitghotit Australia.) THE HEALTH AND DIET OF CHILDREN IN AUSTRALIA. Second Edition. Price Two Shillings and Sixpence. This work is intended to afford complete guidance for those who are entrusted with the care of the rising generation. Its main purpose is to impress upon parents the fact that there is a grejit deal of method called for in the management of their offspring, and more especially does it aspire to inoculate them with a belief in the virtues of nourishing and suitable food, and of regularity in its administration. THE FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF AUSTRALIAN INFANTS. Third Edition. Price One Shilling. An endeavour to show mothers the importance of method and attention to detail, which after all constitute the great elements of success in the feeding and management of infants, is the chief object in view. Minute instructions for the administration of food, and all the many matters connected with bathing, clothing, fresh air, and sleep, are therefore considered separately, in order that the directions shall be as clear and as concise as possible. PRESCRIBING AND TREATMENT IN THE DISEASES OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN. Second Edition. Price Six Shillings and Sixpence. An every-day handbook for students and medical practi- tioners.