Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/459

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Enormous development of the Australian wool trade . .183 Equability of Australian climate . 14 Essence, beef . . . . . - . 269 Excessive smoking, symptoms of . . 82 Exercise ...... . 85 Exercise alone l)egets the perfection of health . 89 Exercise benefits the heart, lungs, and nervous system . 88 Exercise cannot be taken by proxy . 89 Exercise, early morning, not suitable for everybody . 90 Exercise, eiFect of, upon the muscles . 87 Exercise improves the quality of the blood . 88 Exerqise increases the will power . . 87 Exercise removes debris from the system . 86 Exercise, six miles a day .... . 90 Extra sleep required in hot climates . 43 F Fat, to clarify . . . . . . .366 Fermentation of wine, the . 2)5 Fillets of fish and cheese sauce 300 Fish capture, primitive methods of, in Australia 130 Fish, food value of . . . 158 Fisheries, failure of the oyster 146 Fisheries, re-creation of the oyster . 153 Fish markets in Sydney and in Melbourne 138 Fishmongers, and the sale of fish . 143 Fish a I'aurore .... 312 Fish a la crenie 299 Fish a la maitre d'h6tel 292 Fish a la Orly 313 Fish a la Saumarez 304 Fish, American 308 Fish and butter sauce 294 Fish and tomato sauce 293 Fish au gratin 298 Fish au gratin, cold 308 Fish, leaked 309 Fish baked in vinegar 305 Fish balls . 299 Fish, boiled 311 Fish, broiled 311