Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/473

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INDEX. 429 PAGE Temperatures of Australian capitals 7 Temperature, fluctuations of ... . 12-14 Toast, cream . . . . . ~ . 365 Toast, kidney ..... . 326 Tobacco ...... . 79 Tobacco, effect of, on the palate . 83 Tobacco in middle age .... . 83 Tobacco, principles contained in . . 80 Tobacco, three divisions of its effects . 80 To cook dried fish . . . . . . . 302 Tomato, difficulty of introducing it into Australia . . 124 Tonjatoes and cauliflower .... . 353 Tomatoes and eggs .... . 372 Tomatoes and mince .... . 324 Tomatoes and mullet . . . . * . . 308 Tomatoes and tripe .... . 823 Tomatoes, baked ..... . 348 Tomatoes, curried ..... . 349 Tomatoes, fried ..... . 363 Tomato pie ..... . 320 Tomato sauce ..... . 368 Tomato sauce and eels .... . 306 Tomato sauce and fish .... . 293 Tomato sauce and hashed beef . 327 Tomato sauce, cods' roes in . , , . 307 Tomato sauce, sheeps' tongues in . . 330 Tomato soup ..... . 280 Tomato soup and vegetable marrow . 282 Tomatoes, stuffed ..... . 345 Trifles, beef ..... . 326 Tripe and tomatoes .... . 323 Tripe in milk ..... . 323 Tubes of the oil-glands, the . 27 Tubes, the perspiration .... 26,27 Turnip and rice soup .... . 274 Turnip salad ..... . 378 Turnips, saute of . . 350 u Under-garments, woollen, advantages of 54