Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/477

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Eyre & Spottewoodj^^wte Mbles, &c. THE NEW BIBLE FOR PREACHERS, TEACHERS, AND STUDENTS. COMPLETION OF THE NEW LARGE TYPE VARIORUM BIBLE WITH THE REVISED AND ENLARGED AIDS TO BIBLE STUDENTS. This New Edition of the Variorum Teacher's Bible is not merely a Reference Bible with the Teacher's Aids appended, but, in addition, it contains, on the same page as the Text, in footnotes, a complete digest of the chief Various Renderings and Readings of the original text from the very best authorities. The sources from which the Annotations are taken comprise, in the OLD TESTAMENT, 90 Commentators, 14 P'ersio7is, including^ the Revised Version, and R.V, Marginal Readings. NEW TESTAMENT, 78 Commentators, 6 Ancient Versions, 23 Ancient Alanuscripts, II Critical Editions of the Text, and Revised Version and Marginal Readings. The Variorum Notes collated from such sources, together with the "New Aids to Bible Students," give to the Student of Scripture an amount of information which could only be obtained by the possession of a very costly library. Thus within the compass of a Portable Volume is comprised the quintessence of Biblical Scholarship in the most con- venient form. Prices from 18s. 9dl. If with Apocrypha, 48. 6d. extra. The Late ARCHBISHOP OP DUBLIN (Dr. TRENCH).— " Marvellously full of in- teresting and accurate information." The BISHOP OF GLOUCESTER.— "A verj- valuable work." The Late BISHOP OF MANCHESTER (Dr. FRASER).—" An admirably arranged and most useful book." The BISHOP OF WAKEFIELD (Dr. WALSHAM HOW) writes:— "I consider it a most valuable work. Believing that the Bible is its own best interpreter, I am sure that the aids to an intelligent understanding 0/ the text itself, together ivith the assistance jliven to students who desire to have an accurate conception of the purest form of that text, will prove of inestimable service to all Bible readers." The Late DEAN CHURCH.— "A wonderful digest of learning. The names of the various scholars are, of course, a warrant of care and accuracy, and certainly nothing so complete and comprehensive, in such a compass, has ever before been attempted." FIFTEENTH EDITION. THE TEACHER'S PRAYER BOOK. Being the Book of Common Prayer, with Introductions, Analyses, Notes, and a Commentary upon the Psalter. BY THE Rt. Rev. ALFRED BARRY, D.D. ; and a Glossary by the Rev. A. L. MAYHEW, M.A. NEW EDITION. The Late Bishop of Lincoln (Dr. Wordsworth). — "Of great service, and a valuable companion to the Teacher's Bible." Prices from 3s. 6d. Also inay be had in superior styles of binding. EYRE «S<, SPOTTISWOODE'S The Late ARCHBISHOP OF YORK.— "The names of the authors guarantee its excellence. A miniature library of illustrative matter. If such a book be carefully and generally used, there must be a great improvement in Bible knowledge in this generation. I heartily wish it success." ^_ Fifteen Editions. Twelve Sizes. Prices from 3s. 6d. to £2 2s. EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, London : Great New Street, E.G. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Melbourne, Sydney, and Cooper U.vion, New York.