Page:The Art of Preserving Health - A Poem in Four Books.djvu/72

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The ART of

The greener juices are by toil subdu'd,
Mellow'd, and subtilis'd; the vapid old
Expell'd, and all the rancor of the blood.
Come, my companions, ye who feel the charms
45Of nature and the year; come, let us stray
Where chance or fancy leads our roving walk:
Come, while the soft voluptuous breezes fan
The fleecy heavens, enwrap the limbs in balm,
And shed a charming languor o'er the soul.
50Nor when bright Winter sows with prickly frost
The vigorous ether, in unmanly warmth
Indulge at home; nor even when Eurus' blasts
This way and that convolve the lab'ring woods.
My liberal walks, save when the skies in rain
55Or fogs relent, no season should confine
Or to the cloister'd gallery or arcade.
Go, climb the mountain; from th' etherial source
Imbibe the recent gale. The chearful morn
