Page:The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14.djvu/798

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Recent American Publications.

passion for reason and morality, and so long have they been accustomed to have their insolent absurdities rule the politics of the nation, that the passage of the bills whose varying fortunes Mr. Wilson records must be considered the greatest triumph of liberty and justice which our legislative annals afford. And in that triumph the historian of the Anti-Slavery Measures may justly claim to have had a distinguished part Honest, able, industrious, intelligent, indefatigable, zealous for his cause, yet flexible to events, gifted at once with practical sagacity and strong convictions, and with his whole heart and mind absorbed in the business of politics and legislation, he has proved himself an excellent workman in that difficult task by which facts are made to take the impress of ideas, and the principles of equity are embodied in the laws of the land.



A National Currency. By Sidney George Fisher, Author of "The Trial of the Constitution," etc. Reprinted from the North American Review for July, 1864. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 16mo. paper, pp. 83. 25 cents.

Our World: or, First Lessons in Geography, for Children. By Mary L. Hall. Boston. Crosby & Nichols. 12mo. pp. 177. $1.00.

The Merchant Mechanic. A Tale of "New England Athens." By Mary A. Howe. New York. John Bradburn. 12mo. pp. 453. t2.00.

The American Boy's Book of Sports and Games: A Repository of In- and Out-Door Amusements for Boys and Youth. Illustrated with over Six Hundred Engravings, designed by White, Herrick, Wier, and Harvey, and engraved by N. Orr. New York. Dick & Fitzgerald. 12mo. pp. 600. $3.50.

Southern Slavery in its Present Aspects: Containing a Reply to a Late Work of the Bishop of Vermont on Slavery. By Daniel R. Goodwin. Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co. 16mo. pp. 843. $1.50.

Love and Duty. By Mrs. Hubback. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 446. $2.00.

Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Scott, LL. D. Written by Himself. In Two Volumes. New York. Sheldon & Co. 12mo. pp. xxii., 330; iv., 323. $4.00.

To Be or Not To Be, That is the Question. Boston. Geo. C. Rand and Avery, Printers. 16mo. pp. 47. 88 cents.

The Hawaiian Islands: Their Progress and Condition under Missionary Labors. By Rufus Anderson, D. D. Boston. Gould & Lincoln. 12mo. pp. zxii., 450.

Uncle Nat: or, The Good Time which George and Frank had, Trapping, Fishing, Camping-Out, etc. By Alfred Oldfellow. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 16mo. pp. 824. $1.25.

Lyra Anglicana: or, A Hymnal of Sacred Poetry, selected from the Best English Writers, and arranged after the Order of the Apostles' Creed. By Rev. George T. Rider, M. A. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 16mo. pp. xiv., 288. $2.00.

Gunnery Catechism, as applied to the Service of Naval Ordnance. Adapted to the Latest Official Regulations, and approved by the Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department By J. D. Brandt, formerly of U. S. Navy. New York. D. Van Nostrand. 18mo. pp. 197. $1.50.

Ruth: A Song in the Desert. Boston. Gould & Lincoln. 16mo. pp. 64. 60 cents.

The Burden of the South, in Verse: or, Poems on Slavery, Grave, Humorous, Didactic, and Satirical. By Sennoia Rubek. New York. P. Everardus Warner. 8vo. paper, pp. 96.

Petersons' New Cook-Book; or, Useful and Practical Receipts for the Housewife and the Uninitiated. Philadelphia. T. B. Peterson & Brothers. 12mo. pp. 533. $2.00.

Ancient Law: Its Connection with the Early History of Society, and its Relation to Modern Ideas. By Henry Sumner Maine. With an Introduction by Theodore W. Dwight. New York. Charles Scribner. 8vo. pp. lxix., 400. $3.00.

The Poems and Ballads of Schiller. Translated by Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. From the Last London Edition. New York. Clark & Maynard. 18mo. pp. 407.