Page:The Autobiography of Maharshi Devendranath Tagore.djvu/53

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It was discovered that, in the Samaj itself, there was wide disagreement as to the degree of authority to be accorded to the sacred books. Akshay Kumar Datta, the editor of the Tatwabodhini Patrika, who was the intellectual leader, as my father was the spiritual head, of the Samaj, refused to acknowledge their infallibility. Finally, after much discussion, my father formally renounced the doctrine of verbal inspiration. At a general meeting of the Brahmas, it was agreed that the Vedas, Upanishads, and other ancient writings were not to be accepted as infallible guides, that Reason and Conscience were to be the supreme authority, and the teachings of the Scriptures were to be accepted only in so far as they harmonised with the light within us.

With the increase in the number of worshippers, the want of a text-book for their guidance was keenly felt. In order to supply that want my father compiled and published the Brâhma Dharma Grantha, a valuable theistic manual of religion and morals. The first part of the book is devotional, and contains texts from the Upanishads on the existence and attributes of God, on the knowledge God and His worship. This part of the book was thrown off in one sitting, and under one spell of inspiration. My father gave vent to the outpourings of his heart in the words of the Upanishads, and Akshay Kumar Datta took them down in writing