Page:The Autobiography of Maharshi Devendranath Tagore.djvu/67

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resolutions that were unanimously carried at the meeting. These are:

1. That an Association be established under the title of "Brâhma-Samaj of India."

2. That this Association be bound to preserve the purity and universality of its religion.

3. That people of both sexes, believing in the fundamental principles of Brâhmaism, shall be admissible as members.

4. That mottoes and maxims, agreeing with the principles of Brâhmaism, be gleaned and published from the religious writings of all nations.

5. That a vote of thanks be given to Devendranath Tagore for his zeal and labour in promoting the progress of the religion.

On the 23rd January (11th Magha) 1868, the day on which the 38th annual festival of the Adi Brâhma-Samaj was celebrated, the foundation-stone of the Brahma-Samaj of India was laid, and the erection of the Brâhma Mandir[1] in Machua Bazar Street was completed in August 1869; after a series of struggles which it is needless to detail, Keshab's efforts towards consolidating and bringing together the seceding party in one body were crowned with success. But while working for his own church with indefatigable zeal and unflinching devotion, Keshab, it is a pleasure to note, was nowise

  1. Temple of worship