Page:The Baron of Diamond Tail (1923).pdf/160

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pany. Maybe you got involved with him in some way and can't pull out. He's got a lead on you some way that you don't seem to be able to break. I saw that the night he made you leave your gun off before he'd talk with you in the cabin up at Eagle Rock camp."


Nearing stopped, stood silent a while. Barrett heard the latch of his throat click drily as he swallowed at the anxiety the darkness hid in his face. And again:


"Senator Nearing, if you're involved with that crook and can't cut loose—if there's anything in this world I can do to help you, talk to me like a man!"

"There's nothing to all this nonsense, Barrett," Nearing gathered himself in the admirable strength that was his in hiding his emotions, holding his voice steady. "What can I do to satisfy you that everything's straight on the inside of this ranch?"

"Fire Dale Findlay, clean out his gang."

"That's an unreasonable demand, Barrett."

"From your side of it, Senator Nearing. You're in the boat with him; you're afraid, you can't fire him!"

"By God! Barrett!"

"It's a nasty dose, but you'll have to swallow it. You can either come clear with me, sir, fire that scoundrel and his men, or I'll report the facts as I know them to every stockholder in this company!"

"You'll never leave here to spread your damned slanders!"

Nearing spoke in choked, smothered voice; Barrett heard his pistol scrape the leather as he jerked it from