Page:The Baron of Diamond Tail (1923).pdf/205

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"Kate knows, if any living third person knows," Alma admitted, thoughtfully. "Or that old lawyer, Charley Thomson; I believe he knows."

"It would take money to get it out of him, and Findlay already has him roped. We'll have to count him out."

"Kate would know," said she, in her soft, thoughtful way. "But she'd never tell anything that would hurt Dale Findlay."

"If she got sore at him she would."

"That's a long shot, Ed."

"I believe we could cripple him, anyhow. But you might have to do something disagreeable to put it through."

"Count on me for anything, Ed."

"We'd have to make Kate jealous, that would be the easiest way. You can see the fire in that woman's eye that would burn a man up if she thought he'd double-crossed her."

"Kate's that kind of a girl," Alma agreed, looking at him sharply. "You seem to know her pretty well."

"I've only seen her once," he said.

"Oh, only once. And it would be my job to make her jealous?"

"Not unless you're game to go the limit, Alma. You might have to humble your pride and self-respect to the extent of talking to him once in a while——"

"Oh, just talking to him wouldn't do it, Ed."

"Ride out with him, maybe, or go to a dance or two. Do they ever have any dances around at the ranches? The kind the cowboys are invited to, I mean."