Page:The Best continental short stories of and the yearbook of the continental short story 1926.pdf/337

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Bastio, Claudio. Born in Lisbon in 1891. Ironia galante, A Linguagem de Fialho, Uma Explicaçao, Tres Cartas de Camilo, Flores do Frio (A Outra).


Agarbiceanu. Transylvanian priest and patriot. Archanghelii. Tefeleaga. Zidele din urma a Capit. Parvu. Trasurica verde. In intuneric.

Aldea, Sandu. Innurmaplugului. Pe drumul Baraganului. Pe Margineanca.

Bratesco-Voinesti, J. A. Born in 1869. Magistrate, then advocate. In lumed dreptatei. Intuneric si lumina. Sorana. In slujba Pacei. The Violoncello.

Jorga, N. Born in 1871 at Botosani. Master at Bucharest University, and the Sorbonne (Paris), member of the Rumanian Académie, and correspondent for the Institut de France, historian. History of the Byzantine Empire (in English). History of Rumanian Literature (in Rumanian). History of the Rumanian People (in Rumanian). Contes Roumains (in French). L’Art Roumain (in French). La Roumanie Pitoresque (in French). Histoires des Croisades (in French).

Marie, Queen of Rumania. Tara mea (My Country). Canduri si icoane din vremea rasboiului. Dal Mio Cuore al loro Cuore.

Sadoveanu, M. Born at Falticeni. Director of the National Theatre. Jassy. Somii. Neamul Soimarestilor. In delta. La Noi inviisoara. Cantecul amintirii. Pildele lui C. Vichentie. Lacrimile Ieromonahului Veniamin. Oameni si Locuri.


Kuprine, Alexander. Born in 1870 in Narovtchak, Penza. When quite young, he was sent to military school and in 1890 became a second lieutenant in a Dnieper regiment. He gave up the military life four years later, to devote himself to writing. His carefulness and exactitude reminds one of the old Flemish and Dutch painters. The greatest of the Russian emigré writers. Author, The Duel, My First Born, The Ditch, The Bog, The Song of the Cricket, In the Heart of the Woods, Olessia, The Telegraphist, Moloch, Captain Rybnikov, A Coward, The Jewess, The Wedding, The Shulamite, Measles, Thunder, etc.

Soviet Russia

Babel, T. The Story of My Dovecot. Babel is one of the best of the new school of writers in Bolshevik Russia.


Mengotti, Enrique. Born in 1898 in Madrid, he is considered one of the most characteristic short story writers.


Siwertz Per Sigfrid. Born in Stockholm the 24th of January, 1882: graduated at the Upsal University, then devoted his whole time to literary work. His first efforts, poems, are greatly appreciated