Page:The Bible of Amiens.djvu/224

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Matthew. Temperance, the complement of Obedience, and Covetousness, with violence, that of Atheism.

12, a. Humility, shield with dove.
12, b. Pride, falling from his horse.

42. All these quatrefoils are rather symbolic than representative; and, since their purpose was answered enough if their sign was understood, they have been entrusted to a much inferior workman than the one who carved the now sequent series under the Prophets. Most of these subjects represent an historical fact, or a scene spoken of by the prophet as a real vision; and they have in general been executed by the ablest hands at the architect's command. With the interpretation of these, I have given again the name of the prophet whose life or prophecy they illustrate.

13. Isaiah.

13. a. "I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne" (vi. I).

The vision of the throne high and lifted up" between seraphim.

13, b. "Lo, this hath touched thy lips" (vi. 7). The Angel stands before the prophet, and holds, or rather held, the coal with tongs, which have been finely undercut,