Page:The Bible of Amiens.djvu/237

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in the female figure holding the scales; the lion especially good-tempered—and the 'reaping' one of the most beautiful figures in the whole series of sculptures; several of the others peculiarly refined and far-wrought. In Mr. Kaltenbacher's photographs, as I have arranged them, the bas-reliefs may be studied nearly as well as in the porch itself. Their order is as follows, beginning with December, in the left-hand, inner corner of the porch:—

41. December.—Killing and scalding swine. Above, Capricorn with quickly diminishing tail; I cannot make out the accessories.
42. January.—Twin-headed, obsequiously served. Aquarius feebler than most of the series.
43. February.—Very fine; warming his feet and putting coals on fire. Fish above, elaborate but uninteresting.
44. March.—At work in vine-furrows. Aries careful, but rather stupid.
45. April.—Feeding his hawk—very pretty. Taurus above with charming leaves to eat.
46. May.—Very singularly, a middle-aged man sitting under the trees to hear the birds sing; and Gemini above, a bridegroom and bride. This quatrefoil joins the interior angle ones of Zephaniah.
52. June.—Opposite, joining the interior angle