Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 03.djvu/410

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church. Montpelier. Vt.. and remained there until 1><T1. wlien he went to Berlin. Germany, and Ktudied piano umler Loeschhorn. and or>?au under August Haupt. He gave recitals in the princiiKil cities of Germany. Austria, Switzerlanil and Hol- land; and on his return to America in 1876 made his home in Chicago, where he was appointed org-anist of the Fii-st Congreg-ational church. In the same year he Viecame ilirector of tlie Hersliey Bchcx)! of musii-al art, and in 1877 he was married to Sixra, daugliter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Hershey. Miss Hershey was a well-known musi- cian. Iiaving studied both voice and piano vmder the principal European teachers for many years. She was a teacher in the Pittsburg (Pa.) female college for .several years, and in 1875 went to Chicago, 111., where she founded, with W. S. B. Matthews, the Hershey school of musical art. Mr. Eddy became organist of the First Presby- terian church. Chicago, in 1879. At the Centen- nial exposition in Philadelphia in 1876, he gave officially two concerts dailj- for one week. He was also organLst at the Vienna exposition in 1883, and during the Paris exposition of 1889, by invitation of the French government, he visited Paris as the representative of America and gave official recitals in the Trocadero. During the World's Columbian exposition at Cliicago in 1893, he was the official organist, and gave twenty-one recitals upon the great Festival Hall organ, his programs comprising one himdred and sixty -eight standard compositions. In 1899 he was in Paris for an extended visit. He is the author of: The Church and Concert Organist; The Ore/an in Church and Concert; The Oryan in Church; Pieces for the Organ.

EDDY, Daniel Clarke, clergyman, was born in Salem, ^Muss.. May ^21, 1823; .son of Daniel and ilartha (Honeycomb) Eddy; grandson of Daniel Eddy and Thomas Honeycomb, and a descendant of John and Samuel Eddy, who landed at Ply- mouth in 1630. He was graduated from the New Hampton theological institution in 1845, and was called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church in Lowell, Mass., Jan. 2, 1846, being ordained Jan. 29, 1846. In 18.54 he was chosen by the Native American party a representative to the Btate legislature and served during his term as speaker of the house. He was afterward chap- lain of the senate. In 1856 he resigned his Lowell pastorate to accept a call to the Harvard street churcli. Boston, Mas.s., where he remained until 1862. He was pastor of the Taljernacle church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1862-64; of the Baldwin Place and Warren Avenue churclies, Boston, Mass., 1864-71 ; was settled at Hyde Park, Fall River, and again in Boston, Mass., 1871-81. and at the First Baptist church, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1881-96. The fiftieth anniversary of his ordination was cele-

brated Jan. 29, 1896. He received the honorary degree of A.M. from Harvard in 1855, and that of S.T.D. from ^ladison university in 1859. His pub- blished works include: Young Man's Friend (3 series, 1849-59) ; 77k? Burman Apostle (1850) ; Lect- ures to Young Men; Europa (1851) ; Angtd miispers (1853) ; Heroines of the Missionary Enterprise (1854) ; C% 5'We (1854) ; Young Woman's Friend (1855); The Percy Family, afterward called Our Travelling Party (5 vols., 1858); Waiting at the Cross (1859); Waller's 7 our in the Fast (6 vols., 1861); Pip Van Winkle's Travels (d vols., 1882) ; and Saxenhtirst ; a Story of the Old World and Xeic (1896). He died at Cottage City, Mass.. July 26, 1896.

EDDY, Frank Marion, representative, -was born in Pleasant Grove, Minn., April 1, 1856; son of Richard and Mary Eliza (Sandborn) Eddy; grandson of Richard and Su.sannah Eddy and of Gilman J. and Mary E. Sandborn, and a descend- ant of Samuel Eddy. He attended and taught school until 1882, when he entered the employ of the Northern Pacific railroad company as a land examiner. In 1884 he was elected clerk of the district court of Pope county, and later was ap- pointed court reporter of the 16th judicial dis- trict. He was a Repul)lican representative from Minnesota in the 54th, 55th and 56th congresses, 189.5-1901.

EDDY, Henry Turner, educator, was born in Stoughtou, Mass., June 9, 1844; son of Henry and Sarah Hay ward (Torrey) Eddy; grandson of Thomas Eddy of New Britain, Conn., and of Turner Torrey of Brockton, Mass., and a de- scendant of Cliarles Eddy of New Britain, Conn. He was graduated from Yale, A.B. 1867. and Ph.B.. 1868. He was instructor in field work in engi- neering at the Shef- field scientific school, Yale, 1867-68, and instructor in mathe- matics and Latin in the University of East Tennessee, 1868-69. In 1869 he accepted the position of ad- junct professor of mathematics and civil engineering in Cornell university, resigning in 1873 to become associate professor of mathematics in the College of New Jersey. Cornell university conferred upon him the degree of C.E. in 1870, and that of Pli.D. in 1872 for advanced work in mathemat- ics. In 1874 he was appointed to the chair of mathematics, civil engineering and astronomy in the University of Cincinnati, being dean of
