Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/149

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FOGG, William Perry, author, was born in Exeter, X.H., July 27, 182G; son of Josiali Fogg; grandson of Josiah Fogg; and in the seventh generation from Samuel Fogg, who came from near Exeter, England, in 1636, and was one of the founders of the town of Exeter. N.H. His grandfather was lieu- tenant-colonel of a regiment under Gen- eral Sullivan in the Revolutionary ai"my. His father was an officer in the war of 1813. He attended Phillips Exeter acad- emy and Harvard university, but ill health prevented his graduation. He held a position in the de- j-vN partment of the in-

fjf^ tftcayuif Cfftr^'jf^' terior at WashLng- ^ J y" ton, D.C., 1849-,-.l,

and then removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where lie established himself in business, iield office in the city government, and was a member of the military committee in 1861. In 1863 he was com- missioned colonel and assisted in quelling the threatened draft riots in Cleveland. In 1868 he retired from business to travel, visiting every state Ln the Union, as well as Canada, the West Indies and the old world, corresponding with the Cleveland Herald and Leader. He was one of the first foreigners permitted to travel in Japan in 1869. He returned to America in 1871, having made the circuit of the glol)e in a little over two years. He spent the years 1873-75 in Egypt, Persia and Arabia, and in 1876 went to Greece and to Constantinople, where as a traveller and author, he was given a special pass to visit Bul- garia and the seat of the war between Russia and Turkej'. He received from Lady Strangford the badge of the Bed Crescent of the Geneva conven- tion, was enrolled as one of her English surgeons and thus gained admission to all the hospitals. He was one of the editors and proprietors of the Cleveland Herald, 1870-80. He was corresponding member of the New Hampshire historical society ; a life member and for sixteen years vice-presi- dent of the Western reserve historical society of Ohio, and one of the founders of the Ohio society of New York city. In 1872 he was married to Mary Arma, daughter of John G. Gould of Boston, Mass. They removed to Roselle, N.J., in 1880, and Mr. Fogg became the president of the Caxton book company. New York citJ^ He is the author of: Westward Round the World (1871); Arahistan ; or The Land of the Arabian Nif/hts (1875), and con- tributions to periodicals.

FOLEY, John Samuel, R.C. bishop, was born in Baltiinore, Md. , Nov. 5, 1833. He was a brother of the Rt. Rev. Thomas Foley, coadjutor- bishop of Chicago and administrator of the dio- cese, 1870-79. He was graduated in jjhilosophy at St. Mary's college, Baltimore, 1850, studied theology at St. Sulpice seminary and at Rome, and was ordained a priest, Dec. 20, 1856, at Rome, Italy, by Cardinal Patrizzi. He became an assist- ant to Archbishop Spaulding in establishing missions, schools and St. Martin's church in Bal- timore, and served on important private ecclesi- astical missions for both the archbishop and the cardinal. He was an active influence in the Bal- timore council of 1884, and in 1888 was elected bishop of Detroit to succeed the Rt. Rev. Caspar Henry Burgess, who resigned April 16. 1887. He was consecrated, Nov. 4, 1888, at Baltimore, by the cardinal, assisted by Bishops Loughlin and Wadhams.

FOLEY, Thomas, R.C. bishop, was born in Baltimore. Md. , March 6, 1822. He received his scholastic and theological education at St. Mary's college and the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Balti- more, and was ordained a priest. Aug. 17. 1846, by Archbishop Eccleston, who placed him in charge of St. Mary's mission, Rock- ville, Montgom- ery county. Md., and soon after- ward appointed him assistant to Father

Matthew at St. Patrick's church, Wash- ington, D.C. He was chan- cellor of the archdiocese of Baltimore, 1848- 51, secretary to Archbishop Kenrick in cathedral of the holy name.

1851, and vicar -general to Archbishop Spalding in 1867. He was sent to Chicago in 1868 to determine the condition of the diocese incident to the apparent insanity of the Rt. Rev. James Duggan, bishop of Chicago. He was conse- crated at Baltimore, Md., Feb. 27, 1870, bishop of Pergamos, and coadjutor-bishop of Chicago and administrator of the diocese. The great fire of Oct. 7, 8 and 9, 1871, destroyed several of the finest churches, schools and asylums in the diocese, and Bishop Foley rebuilt the churches, erected the Cathedral of the Holy Name, founded five new convents and seven academies, and dur- ing his administration increased the number of