Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 04.djvu/306

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the selection of the design for the New York public library; and was made a member of the American jury for architecture at the Paris exposition of 1900. He was appointed arcliitect for the new U.S. custom house at New Yorlc, Nov. 3, 1899, having been recommended for the appointment by the expert jury ajjpointed by the secretary of the treasury to pass on the merits of the designs submitted in competition. He was married, Nov. 29, 1887, to Julia F., eldest daughter of H. M. and Emily Swift (Chapman) Finch of Milwaukee, Wis., and had four children: Emily Finch, Elizabeth Wheeler, Julia Swift and Cass. Jr.

GILBERT, Charles Champion, soldier, was liorn in Zauesville, Ohio, March 1, 1833; son of Charles Champion and Deborah Cass (Silliman) Gilbert; and grandson of Samuel and Deborah (Champion) Gilbert, and of Wyllys and Deborah Webster (Cass) Silliman. He was graduated at the U.S. military academy in 1846; served in the Mexican war as brevet 3d lieu- tenant, 3d infantry, and as 2d lieutenant in the 1st infantry, at Vera Cruz, 1847-48, and in the occupa- tion of the Mexican capital, 1848. He was assistant professor at theMilitarj' academy, ISoO-So, and on the /! P ri P A'// y, Texas and Indian Ter- ULa^&A.i^.^iMl^'^yt^ ritory frontier, 1855- 01. He was promoted 1st lieutenant, June 10, 1850, and captain, Dec. 8, 1855. In the civil war he was wounded at Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10, 1861; was appointed inspector-general of the department of the Cumberland, Sept. 30, 1861, and of the Army of the Ohio in the field, Aug. 35, 1862. He was brevetted major for action at Shiloh, April 7, 1863; lieutenant-colonel for the battle of Richmond, Kj\, Sept. 1, 1863, and was made brigadier-general of volunteers, Sept. 9, 1862, for gallant conduct at Springfield, Mo., and Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. He was brevetted colonel for the battle of Perry ville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862, where he served as major-general in command of the third provisional corps, Army of the Ohio. He next commanded the 10th division. Army of the Ohio and on July 2, 1863, was commissioned major of the 19th infantry. From 1866 to 1869 he served on reconstruction duty in Arkansas and Florida. On Sept. 21. 1866, he was trans- ferred to the 28th infantry, and on July 8. 1868, was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the 7th in- fantry. In the winter of 1879-80 he was in com

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maud of the Ute expedition in the White River country, Utah, and on May 19, 1881, he was promoted colonel of the. 17th infantry. He was retired, March 1, 1886, by operation of law on account of age.

GILBERT, Charles Henry, educator, was bora at Rockford, 111., Dec. 5, 1859; son of Edward and Sarah (Berry) Gilbert. He was graduated from Butler college in 1879 with the degree of B.S. He was assistant in natural sciences and modern languages in Indiana uni- versity, 188i)-84, from which institution he re- ceived the degree of M.S. in 1883 and Ph.D. in 1883; professor of natural history. University of Cincinnati, 188-1-88; professor of zoology, Indiana university, 1888-91; and was elected professor of zoology, Leland Stanford Junior university in 1891. He was assistant on the U.S. fish com- mission at intervals from 1880. He is the author of numerous papers on ichthyology, and of Siiiiiijisis nf the Fishes of Xurlh America (with Dr. D. S. Jordan. 1882).

GILBERT, George Gilmore, representative, was born in Spencer county, Ky., in 1850; son of Jamss and Elizabeth Gilbert; grandson of John Webster Gilbert; and great-grandson of John Webster Gilbert, a captain in the Revolutionary war, who enlisted at Bedford Court-house, Nov. 22, 1779. George was graduated at Cecilian college, Ky., in 1868, finished his academic edu- citiou at Lynland institute in 1870, and was graduated in law from the University of Louis- ville in 1873. He was attorney for Spencer county, 1876-80; a member of the state senate, 1883-S3, and chairman of the judiciary commit- tee; a dele.gate to the Democratic national con- vention in 1896, and a Democratic representative from the 8th district of Kentucky in the 56th congress. 1899-1901.

GILBERT, Grove Karl, geologist, was born at Rochester, N.Y.. May 6, 1843; sou of Grove Shel- don and Eliza (Stanley) Gilbert; and grandson of John and Eunice (Barns) Gilbert, and of Thad- deus and Betsy (Doud) Stanley. He was gradu- ated at the University of Rochester in 1862. IJe taught a grammar school at Jackson, Mich., 18(.o, and was assistant to Prof. Henry A. Ward, naturalist, at Rochester, 1864-69. He was assist- ant on the geological survey of Ohio. 1869-70; geologist of the Wheeler survey, 1871-74, cann- ing on geological exploration in Nevada. Utah, Arizona, southern California and New Mexico; and geologist of the Powell survey of the Rocky Mountain region, 1874-79, conducting geological exploration, triangulation, and an investigation of the conditions of irrigation in Utah and Arizona. He was appointed a member of the U.S. geological sui-vey in 1879, having charge successively of the Great Basin and Appalachian