Page:The Biographical Dictionary of America, vol. 05.djvu/158

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campaign and was entrusted by Col. B. H. Grier- son to raid tlarough central Mississipi)i. starting from La Grange, April 17, iy(»3, destroying the railroad between Colmnbus and Macon, and again reaching La. Grange April 26. This move- ment was planned to distract the attention of the Confederates from Grant's movcm Mit at Vicksburg. He was then given the command of a division of cavalry 3500 strong, and continued raiding in Alabama until disabled by wounds in December. 1863. He was promoted to the rank of brigailier-general of volunteers, April '27, 1804- He was brevetted brigadier-general in the regular .service for his action at the battle of Franklin in wliicii he commanded a cavalry division, and major-general in the regular army for services in the battle of Nashville. He was brevetted major- general of volunteers for gallantry before Nash- ville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864, and on Jan. 15, 1866, he was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service. On July 6. 1866, was made colonel of the 9th U.S. cavalry and he held the command of that regiment for twenty -three j-ears. He succeeded Gen. Gordon Granger in command of the militaiy department including Arizona antl New Mexico. He was president of the Ute investigating commission of 1880 and arranged a treaty with that tribe. He then took the field in New Mexico Victorio the Apache chief. He died at Fort Robinson, Neb., April 11, 1889.

HATCH, Israel Thompson, representative, was born in Owasco, N.Y., in 1808. He was graduated at Union college in 1829. was subse- quently admitted to the bar, and practised in Buffalo. He was assistant secretary of New York state in 1830; served as a state senator in 1852; and was a Democratic representative in the 35th congress, 1857-59. While in congress he was appointed by President Buchanan to report on the working of the reciprocity treaty of 1854 between the United States and Canada and in 1859 he was api>ointed postmaster of Buffalo. He was a delegate to tiie state constitutional conven- tion. 1H67-()S. He engaged in banking, 1861-75. He dif'd i„ P.Mff.ilo. N.Y.. Sept. 24, 1875.

HATCH, John Porter, soldier, was born in Oswego, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1822; son of Moses Porter and Hannah (Reed) Hatch; grandson of Timothy and Abigail (Porter) Hatch, and of Otis and Milicent (Hayden) Reed; greatgi-andson of Maj. Moses Porter of Pawlet, Vt.; and a descendant of Thomas Hatch, who, with his wife and two children, came from Kent county, England, in 1633-34 and was made a freeman. May 14, 1634. John Porter Hatch was graduated at West Point in 1845 and was as.signe<l to the 3d U.S. infantry as brevet 2d lieutenant. He was promr>ted 2d lieutenant and transferred to the mounted rifles. He was in Texas, 1845-46. and in Mexico, 1846-47



where he was brevetted 1st lieutenant. Aug. 20. 1847, for Contreras and Churubusco and cap- tain, September 13 for Chapultepec. He was promoted captain, Oct. 13, 1860, brigadier-general of volunteers, Sept. 28, 1861, and in December, 1861, commanded a brigade of cavalry at Annaj)- olis, ^Id. He commanded the cavalrj' of Banks's army in the Shen- andoah valley, a brigade of infantry at Groveton, and the 1st division, 1st army corps, at the battle of Manasstis, Aug. 29-30, 1862, and un- til alter the battle of South IMountain, Md. He was brevetted major, U.S.A., for gallant and merito- rious service at Ma- nassas, Va , wiiere he was wounded. He was brevetted lieutenant-colonel and awarded a medal of honor for South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 18G'2, where he was severely wounded and unable to rei)ort for duty till Feb. 18, 1863. He was made major of the 4th U.S. cavalry, Oct. 27, 1863, was in the department of the South and commanded at the battles of John's Island and Honey Hill, S.C. He commanded the coast division under and co- operative with General Sherman on his march through North Carolina, covering the right flank of his army until the evacuation of Charleston by the Confederates. He commanded the nortiiern district, department of the South, with head- quarters in Charleston, S.C, from February to August. 1865; was on duty in the west, 1865-81, and was promoted colonel of the 2d U.S. cavalry, June 26, 1881. He was brevetted colonel and brigadier-general in the regular service and major-general in the volunteer service, March 13, 1865. and was retired, Jan. 9, 1886. by operation of law. He made bis home in New York city. He died in New York city. April 12. 1901.

HATCH, William Henry, representative, was born in Scott county, Ky . Sept 11, 1833; son of Dr. William and Mary Reed (Adams) Hatch: grandson of Samuel and Mary ((lilman) Hatch of Exeter, N.H., and of Dr. Sanniel and Abigail (Dodge) Adams, descendants of Henry Adams of Braintree, Mass., 1630. He was educatetl at Georgetown and Lexington. Ky.; was admitted to the bar in September, 1854, and practised in Hannibal, Mo. He was electeil circuit attorney of the .sixteenth judicial circuit of Missouri in October. 1858, and re-elected in 1860. He was '■onnnissioned captain in the Confederate army